Friday, November 25, 2011

selena gomez short hair straight hair

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  • aiqw9182
    Apr 12, 09:09 PM
    Fine. You all go and apply to work at a post house and put "iMovie" on your resume. See how long it takes for them to laugh you out the door.

    I haven't really used iMovie since HD, so to be honest I don't really care what they do to it. It's "Super quick to capture and edit DV" time has come and gone.

    What the hell are you talking about? I use iMovie for home videos and I use Final Cut at work. If you don't use something then you shouldn't be bitching about it.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • takao
    Mar 5, 04:12 PM
    yeah diesels are more fitting to people who drive a lot of miles, especially when it's highway driving where no other current drive train beats diesel engines for driving constant speeds in the 100-130 km/h territory

    that's why the rule of thumb is for comuters: if you drive 40 miles each day on the highway to your work with few red lights on the way: get a diesel
    if it's constant stop-and-go and red lights traffic: get a hybrid or electric car
    if it's 2 miles or less: get a bike ;)

    regarding cars as very international affairs: the history is plastered with failed attempts at "world cars" .. even more so when a car makers call one of their cars a 'world car' in their PR before the release

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
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  • Manic Mouse
    Aug 19, 07:24 AM
    Except at a lot of Starbucks that internet functionality comes at a cost, which is my point.

    May be bliss, but not until we have a sound infrastructure. And I have been on some really shoddy networks, which ends up becoming far more frustrating than worthwhile, to the point where I just slam my PDA into my pocket and curse inaudibly.

    I'm already surfing the net in my home on my PSP when I can't be bothered booting up my PC, as are many others. I would much rather be able to read/write emails while on a sofa watching TV (like text messaging) rather than hunched over a computer. It's not just the internet access either: Being able to use a decent version of iCal etc would make the iPod your personal assistant and something you couldn't do without.

    Media players have been done to death. Companies are already looking into creating this kind of device (and have with MYLO).

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. Selena Gomez HAIR POLL: Wavy,
  • Selena Gomez HAIR POLL: Wavy,

  • dernhelm
    Nov 29, 07:53 PM
    I'm glad that he confirmed this. Otherwise Macworld in January would be memorable for all the wrong reasons.

    Mr. Jobs finished his keynote with the startling admission that there is nothing left: "That's all folks! We've got nothing else in development. See you in 2010."

    I'm tellin' ya! I'm in the wrong business. Forget all this deadline - get product out carp. Get in to journalism where all you need to do is restate the obvious with a few well-placed typos, and Bob's your uncle.

    Ahhh! I'm blind!


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  • iberroa
    Apr 3, 02:08 AM
    beautiful... :apple:

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • garybUK
    Feb 23, 05:20 AM
    It's funny because neither GM nor Ford in Europe use their own Diesel engines, instead GM use Fiat engines and Ford use a Peugeot-Citroen engine.

    Wonder if this will be the case in this? Chevy in Europe is a very cheap and nasty brand of car, much like Kia (they are re-branded Daewoo's).

    I also wonder if Auto's v's Manual gears make a difference seeing as 90% of cars in Europe are manual v's the opposite in USA.

    Adanvtages of diesel here are: Better mileage, longer range on a tank, lower tax due to lower CO2 emissions, higher resale value, longer life.

    IMO European manufacturers have had much longer to perfect the technology (i.e. Common Rail Injected Diesel) so GM are up against it here.

    I wonder how it will fare against the likes of the VW Golf's Blumotion that gets 74mpg! Much more than the crappy Japanese cars.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. gomez short hair straight.
  • gomez short hair straight.

  • ipedro
    Jan 3, 07:18 PM
    I don't read too much into the Apple home page image. I think it only means that the transition to Intel is over and now Apple can concentrate on other efforts.
    I think the keynote will yield few surprises. I foresee a lengthy demonstration of Leopard, giving the consumer POV, and how great it will be. Maybe a few more features will be leaked out, but probably the focus will be on the consumer-level stuff like stationary in Also, iChat will take up a lot of time.
    I think we'll see some upgrades to the MacPro line. Maybe more cores or processors or something, but what you might expect. Likely Blu-ray BTO option.
    iLife will get an update, with most of the changes in iWeb, which will support multiple site construction. It will be more robust and Steve will make a couple of sites with it. iWork will see some more templates and transitions, but no spreadsheet app will be shown. They may offer further integration with iApps and address book/mail (Leopard-only)
    iTV (whatever it's called) will make a minor appearance, and some more details will emerge, but other than front row integration, it won't be a big deal.
    No phone of any kind will be presented. Steve will publicly quash the rumor saying that Apple has looked at the existing market and can't find a value-add there. After that, a bluetooth iPod/cell phone interface will be presented that allows your iPod to show caller ID and shut off when a call comes in. It also allows for initiating calls from the iPod address book.
    iPods will get a HD bump to 100Gb & 60Gb at the same price point, Nano & Shuffles may also get larger storage, but not likely.
    No wide screen iPod will be shown. Steve will say it saps too much battery life, and will point to the Zune as the example of "what not to do". Steve will note that most cars sold in the US have iPod integration and how 2007 will be a banner year for iPod integration in home & car.
    A Mighty Mouse MKII will debut in both wired and BT form, with a better track ball (non-analog) and industry-leading battery life on the BT version.

    I think that'll be about it.

    How depressing :( ... what a pessimistic member.

    Remember, this is the premier event of the year, a date Apple is working hard towards during most of the year. It's a high profile event and has become even more so in the past years.
    Apple will want to make a splash and will indeed do so, at the very least with their next big device: iTV.

    Mowogg doesn't seem to take into account that Steve Jobs hypes everything to the highest degree... and yes, we buy it. iTV is Apple's next big thing and I fully expect this and Leopard to be the BIG THING @ MWSF2007. This is Macworld after all.

    This would point to iPods being a footnote in the keynote, but the original iPod's end of cycle status (it hasn't been updated for quite some time, by iPod standards) and the fact that Zune was released earlier, I have a feeling Steve Jobs will want to one up Microsoft in the music player department after doing so with a demonstration of Leopard in the OS department.

    iPhone is iffy... I think it could wait for its own special event a month or so after MWSF... but Steve Jobs may want to reveal it when he talks about Leopard and its new orientation towards communication via iChat and the Apple Phone. I have no doubt it is in development as SONY's walkman phones are becoming increasingly popular and playing a part in pop culture just as the iPod itself did when it was new.

    Apple didn't buy a communications center for nothing. Something's going on and I have a feeling we're gonna get some information about where Apple is going @ MWSF.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Nov 24, 04:02 AM
    I rented The Expendables. It's a pretty hard core, kick ass movie!

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  • SeaFox
    Dec 28, 02:23 AM
    Here is your quote SeaFox.
    You are an condescending individual and take my post out of context.

    You can't please all of the people all of the time.

    "I wouldn't hold my breath on the word processing and web surfing. WebTV showed surfing the internet on a TV sucked because trying to read normal-sized text from six feet away was hard, and bumping the text size up would goof up the page layout generally. Same reason word processing would be silly."

    I stand by the statement. WebTV failed because at the time everyone had CRT TVs, which are much blurrier than a computer monitor. Even if you are using a new plasma screen set you have to account for how you use your device. One sits in front of their monitor by a couple feet. This makes 12 point text readable. Now, step back from this thread about six feet or so, however far you usually sit from your TV, and you'll see why. Even if you're viewing the screen at the real resolution of the HD set (1920x1080 for the real nice sets) you're still not going to be wanting to read long passages to text from your TV. Kinda like people don't like reading books in their entirety one screen at a time in Acrobat.

    When you ask a home entertainment device to perform the functions of a regular computer you're adding all sorts of complexity and starting down a slippery slope. Let's say Apple added the ability to view Word files to the iTV. Someone would complain that they couldn't edit them. Same with iMovie files. Now you have to add that functionality. Then someone would say "well, what about image files? I can already watch my iPhoto library, why can't I do color and brightness/contrast correction?"

    This is exactly the same thing that comes up about the iPod and the Apple Phone. Yeah, the iPod has no built-in FM tuner, no voice memo ability, no built in recording ability, built in FM transmitter for the car, ect. And adding these features would make the interface more complicated, when one of the things that makes the iPod such a hit is it's simplicity. Why do current music playing phones suck? Because the player functionality is hidden under a bunch of unintuitive menus, just like most of the other bells and whistles that may have influenced you to buy the phone to begin with. It's the current state of overly complicated interface design that gets people excited about Apple entering the cell phone market.

    Edit: Also, one last point. If you put too much functionality into the iTV that is normally relegated to a regular Mac, then charge less for the iTV, you're going to eat into sales of the Mac Mini. Apple wouldn't do this, and this is the main reason I don't think you'll see the ability to open Word files or surf the Net with the iTV, that and it just sounds like a weird feature to have in a set top box.

    If you've got your Mini hooked up to your TV and its working good for you I applaud you. The iTV is clearly not aiming for your type of consumer. I've read articles about setting up Minis as PVR's with HD sets, and invariably the indivdulal has some difficulty finding a monitor resolution and refresh rate the HD set will play along with at first, and actual use of the device is hobbled by needing a wireless keyboard or similar. Apple is aiming for the average TV watching consumer with the iTV, who I can tell you from personal experience are not nearly as smart.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
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  • apb3
    Aug 31, 10:12 AM
    Blue sky on wireless? Think a device which works out presence of others, and can connect safely.

    Imagine being able to *share* (not stream, but share) your tunes with others on a "I'm interested in your... can I share/get that from you).

    This goes beyond fair use and would not be legal. Just because I buy a song or CD, movie whatever does not mean I can give it to all my friends. I'm sure you didn't mean that

    If you want to use up all your authorized machines (what is it? 5 now?) for a few friends to listen to a few songs every once in a while - I guess that would be arguably OK, but I think it would still go beyond fair use rules.

    Being on the tube/commuting for ~ 1 1/2 hours a day or so and seeing >6 ipods through glancing for white buds alone, the possiblities are huge.

    What are net connections used mostly for (in terms of Mb up/down) It's P2P. There wouldn't be any roaming charges, any peak rates. You could do it in a lecture room, whilst you were studying, or having coffee with friends (sharing tunes, rather than listening )

    Think one big interacting social darknet :D Think virality without PC's needed.
    Someone has a cool tune, and it could replicate exponentially!

    For more benefits: Linking up to USB wireless receiver chips - you can wireless move files to/from PC.

    Hands free driving - using changeable function paddles/butons on the steeering wheel. Hell - You could have a HUD of iTunes on a car soon (or at the very least, hook it up to those screens in the back of those orrible 4x4s )

    In terms of illegal possibilities, think discogs. The amount of music you'll bump into increases a lot, so the rarer stuff might be out there. You could strike up a friendship with someone who had say, the entire back catalogue of (insert your fave band/movie/TV series). People could be walking lossless discographies of current artists. A discog of an artist is at most probably under 10Gig, so for a >60Gig player...

    Who needs radio when you can stream? You could get it to actively hunt for a MP3 id tag genre - rock/pop, or highly rated artists. You could have the function to hunt for certain artists/songs...

    That's another reason why I want wireless.

    All this still does not tip the scales in terms of cost/benefit. Wireless will eat up your battery. It will be clumsy and frustrating (I would really hate for the new Streets single to break off midway through because iPod girl gets off at her stop or walks out of range). Also, I would not be thrilled adding drain to my battery by engaging sharing/wireless just so a bunch of strangers can mooch off of me. If my friend wants to listen to a song I have there are many ways he can do so without adding cost to the iPod and my time by having to charge the iPod all the time to make it possible in the first place

    As for wireless sync... why? My god man, if we've come to the point where putting the iPod in its base is too difficult, we're screwed. Maybe there'd be the odd time when you forgot your cable or dock on a trip but that should be a rare enough occurence. If you find you always forget your cables, get an extra. You're also not addressing that you'd need that cable or dock for charging anyway (especially since you're going to be using that wireless feature to kill your battery much more quickly).

    The chance that someone with an iPod (who also happens to be willing to kill their battery for my enjoyment) will be in range long enough for me to enjoy a few x-ray specks or spacemen 3 tracks are, in my opinion, close to nil.

    The car options using wireless make some degree of sense (you'd be able to charge the unit by the cig lighter at least), but this seems better addressed by car/stereo makers. They're already doing it. Theree are also adapters for sale that do this.

    I don't have all I need yet in this area but hooking my iPod up to the charger/FM transmitter I have let's me use the steering wheel controls for everything except the menu/scrolling bits (I know that's a big thing but I've got it set up so the iPod in it's charger/transmitter is right next to my knee and easier to manipulate than a cell phone and no harder than using the controls on the radio that are not available on the steering column). The HUD would be cool, though, and would make me a safer driver... I always wanted a HUD for my car. I think Cadillac actually had a model with an optional HUD for the main instrument panel items a while back. I wonder why more auto makers don't do this... or do they and I am just ignorant?

    All in all, I just don't see enough good in adding wireless (of whatever kind) to the iPod to justify it. Now, a non-iPod (new) product that had wireless with a limited music/photo/video feature set (iPhone?, iBerry?) might be on the horizon. That wouldn't be bad as it would give those you feel the same as you the option to get their much needed "wireless," while letting others enjoy the most elegant, easy to use media player on the market without the bloat.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
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  • PBF
    Apr 1, 09:33 PM
    Google Chrome Beta and regular version allow me to use them for around a minute, and then crash. Anyone else having this problem, and how to fix?

    I already submitted a bug report.
    Use the dev version instead. A lot more stable than the beta one.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • Tomorrow
    Apr 20, 11:01 AM
    Automatics are for the elderly, and for fat and/or lazy people.

    Wow, really? :rolleyes:

    So if someone wants to buy a Corvette, and they're neither elderly, fat, nor lazy, they should shell out extra and order one with a manual transmission rather than buy one off the lot?

    If someone wants to buy a Ford Taurus, Nissan Maxima, Chevrolet Impala, or a host of similar cars, then they must be either elderly, fat, or lazy, right? Because none of those are available with a manual transmission.

    That's because you only have automatics to drive :p

    No, my first car had a manual transmission (on the column). It was even worse, but that's mostly because the car was a 1965 model and had no air conditioning, no power steering, no power brakes, no power windows, torn-up seats, and oddly chewed through right rear tail light bulbs at a blistering pace. That was back in the days when driving was less of a headache than it is today (I was much younger), but even then I would still rather ride shotgun.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez straight hair. Selena Gomez straight hair; Selena Gomez straight hair. Cygnus311. Apr 19, 09:02 PM. The GPU alone in this revision will
  • selena gomez straight hair. Selena Gomez straight hair; Selena Gomez straight hair. Cygnus311. Apr 19, 09:02 PM. The GPU alone in this revision will

  • usptact
    May 3, 04:12 AM
    And they will call this "revolution" and amazing feature which is worth $$$... classic and very usual from Apple.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • louis Fashion
    Mar 22, 06:43 PM
    We'll just see what happens. I bought the 160 not too long ago so i won't be upgrading but it's good to know it's still around. 4571 songs of uncompressed audio and counting. gotta love the classics.

    Uncompressed. That IS the key. Friends don't let friends buy compressed faux music. And play your uncompressed music with your tube amps and AR 3a speakers. Howz that for classic?

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 05:24 PM
    If you click on Show Content on any app and replace the first three files from an app downloaded from the app store it will happen with any app you want.

    Right Click -> Show Package Contents -> Contents


    Then select and app not from the Mac App Store and Right Click -> Show Package Contents -> Contents

    Then paste the three files. After you reboot your Mac it should work.
    (This has been working since the past DP)

    Im on DP 2 Update 3. This un-installation process applies to all external apps, not just MAS apps. No code, no change required. :)

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • speedythecat
    Oct 6, 01:23 PM
    Thanks. That looks like a great case there too!

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • babyj
    Nov 29, 06:11 PM
    Whilst I'm not Microsofts biggest fan, their Media Centre is pretty good, actually its a lot more than pretty good - even I'm tempted. Once you've got Media Centre running on your PC, you can hook up a �200 Xbox 360 to access all the content (music, video, digital tv etc). The PVR side of Media Centre is excellent as well.

    If the iTV is going to cost �100, it will need to do something pretty special to be a success - everything that Microsoft offerings can do at the very least.

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair straight hair. Selena Gomez#39;s gorgeous, wavy; Selena Gomez#39;s gorgeous, wavy. twoodcc. Feb 9, 09:47 PM
  • selena gomez short hair straight hair. Selena Gomez#39;s gorgeous, wavy; Selena Gomez#39;s gorgeous, wavy. twoodcc. Feb 9, 09:47 PM

  • Plutonius
    Sep 14, 11:12 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    I would rather read about the Ninja stars then this story. It would have even been better if there was a taser involved :).

    selena gomez short hair straight hair. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • Xavier
    Nov 27, 02:40 PM
    I wouldn't mind this happening! I have been stuck with a 15 inch (not even wide screen) for a long time, but being low budget, haven't been able to afford the models I wanted. I hope that Apple produces this

    Jan 13, 04:09 PM
    Apple is supposed to be building an Ultra-Portable. Ethernet takes up space. I seriously doubt it will be in the Macbook Air or whatever apple decides to call it. Wifi will be enough. This laptop is not ment to be a main computer.

    It does not take that much space. Worst case they could use a flip-jack like connector.

    If it does not ship with an Ethernet port, I will eat dirt.

    Sep 1, 02:08 PM
    This is awsome news! :D

    If Apple does make a 23'' imac, I will definately be getting one! (albeit when Leopard is released) :D

    Digital Dude
    Jun 22, 03:09 PM
    I don’t feel this should be a ‘Page 2’ topic in that it makes more sense as to why Apple is dragging its feet on a replacement of their 30-inch desktop display.

    As for a new MacPro, I think Apple couldn't care less about professional designers anymore. It's now all about bubblegum social interaction with 16-year old bee-bopping mall kids.

    Mar 31, 05:07 PM
    Can anyone comment on under the hood performance improvements? CPU and RAM usage at idle?

    Preview 1 raped my Air

    I get 5% CPU usage on idle and 880MB ram usage on fresh boot.

    Aug 7, 07:40 AM
    I was kind of getting tired of Apple updating the iPods so often, but now that we've had all these recent updates to other hardware (laptops, iMacs), I'd be kind of excited now to see something really new and different from the iPod lineup. Here's to hoping for something with a huge screen and better video capabilities.