Saturday, November 19, 2011

selena gomez look alike contest 2011

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  • selena gomez 2011 hairstyles.

  • CF Fighter
    Jan 11, 10:11 PM
    I'm gathering either Macbook Light or Macbook Air from these rumors because immediately "Light as Air" comes to mind. I have not used a CD or Floppy for my data needs in a couple of years because I now rely on USB Flash drives and with SDHC cards now getting into the under 100 USD range (gathered from prices) for 16 GB of storage just makes so much more sense to me.

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • macidiot
    Jul 20, 02:00 PM
    Just to give some more figures - Gartner says worldwide PC sales are 55 million compared to 49.5 million this time last year, and 16.6 million in the US compared to 15.6 million last year.

    But I wonder where they got 766,000 from. The sales figures separate out retail from regional sales, but considering that most Apple stores are in the US, the vast majority of the 216,000 retail sales would be in the US, so US sales could be anything between 642,000-858,000. That's 3.9%-5.2% US market share. Looks like they picked a percentage right in the middle, but I would say it's nearer to 5%. Of course, worldwide it's still only 2.4%.

    To put this in perspective, Dell sold 9.73 million PC worldwide and 5.3 million in the US, ie. 7x Apple's shipments.

    According to Gartner, Apple US marketshare last quarter was 4.8%.

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  • selena gomez in wizards of

  • DewGuy1999
    Nov 28, 09:10 AM
    and 2 receipts from the Veterinarian Hospital for my female cat - 325.25$

    Hope she's doing well.

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  • selena gomez dating justin

  • M. Malone
    Oct 24, 02:05 AM
    this is OG stiff one

    it appears you forgot about that light that dims and brightens when the machine sleeps :D

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  • selena gomez oscars 2011 dress

  • jxyama
    Apr 2, 09:09 AM
    You have some good points here....but the basic arguement is how to survive in the future - How to grow the business....Itms doesn't make any money for Apple, the ipod is going to have too many similar players. So why not go for the lower end of the market - eg: like they did with the old "LC"s machines. People buy software but they don't want to shell out alot of money for hardware.

    no worry, people's been saying that apple's been dying since like 10 years ago. and increasing the marketshare doesn't mean it's growing and not increasing the marketshare doesn't mean its future is doomed.

    look at gateway. it just acquired eMachines and "doubled" its marketshare to 7%. apple is half that. and guess which company has been more profitable recently? which company is debt free? (hint: it's not gateway) and which company had to expand beyond just selling cheap PCs to continue its operation? (another hint: it's not apple.)

    i see absolutely no economic reason why apple should bother selling cheap macs.

    people who know what they want will pay for Macs. if they don't know what they want, they won't care if they got a Mac.

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez oscars 2011 dress
  • selena gomez oscars 2011 dress

  • ncbill
    Jan 11, 08:17 PM
    13" screen means you can only shave about a pound off the Macbook's current weight - so a 4lb, not 3lb. notebook.

    If the above is true, then I guess this is not a macbook lite, but a macbook pro lite, so I'd expect starting price of $1999.

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez haircut 2011.
  • selena gomez haircut 2011.

  • bassfingers
    Apr 26, 04:07 PM
    well we all know who really controls the goverment and everyone involved ... companies. so whoever throws more money at them is obvs gonna win


    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez long hair 2011.
  • selena gomez long hair 2011.

  • twoodcc
    Nov 26, 09:41 AM
    well i finally got 2 million now. i started this thread on 10/4/2009. today is 11/26/2009. so what is that, 53 days? considering how long it took for me to get to 1 million to begin with, i'm pretty happy with that

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez red carpet 2011
  • selena gomez red carpet 2011

  • mattcube64
    Feb 8, 06:39 PM

    Loving every second I drive her.

    DAMN nice ride, man! Any mods?

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez red carpet 2011
  • selena gomez red carpet 2011

  • davester
    Oct 24, 01:03 AM
    Since when have Apple used the Optima font family for their copy? :rolleyes:

    Edit: lol ok, thought you were serious about this for a moment.

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. Look, they discontinued
  • Look, they discontinued

  • Bacong
    Oct 22, 12:46 PM
    Not sure who mentioned the Switcheasy cases first but thank you. I ordered two color cases on Monday night, they shipped from San Francisco on Tuesday and I received them in Maryland today.

    Fit is nice and the screen guard looks and feels great.

    not to give myself credit...but I did :P and yes, agreed! Love the case, and the screen protector is nice!

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez justin bieber
  • selena gomez justin bieber

  • gugy
    Nov 15, 10:35 AM
    it's coming soon to a mac near you!

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez kca 2011 orange
  • selena gomez kca 2011 orange

  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 21, 01:59 PM
    To those laughing at this and pointing out that Android phones don't have a file recording your movements:

    (NOTE: I did not write this)

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez knees look like
  • selena gomez knees look like

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Sep 1, 03:11 PM
    This would give me a lovely reason to ask for a nice 20" iMac for Christmas!

    My 1GHz G4 iMac is starting to show its age!

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • kresh
    Jul 19, 07:38 PM
    Wow. I still can't get used to the positive press coming from dedicated PC sources.

    Lance Ulanoff is predicting Apple to sell more notebooks than Gateway by the end of 2006 and give Dell a run for the money.


    Wowee. I love it!

    edit: spelling

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez 2011 kids choice
  • selena gomez 2011 kids choice

  • SciFrog
    Nov 19, 06:16 AM
    5 here at home, although the mac pro must use as much power as the four other combined...

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • jafd
    Mar 24, 05:44 AM
    The ONLY advantage of compression is to store more files/GB and it ALWAYS degrades the quality of the recording. Always. And you're championing this as preferable because......?????

    Dude, I'm sorry to inform you that what you're saying is an outright lie, and there are guys from the Lossless Compression Clan, called "Apple Lossless codec", "FLAC", and "APE", standing with heavy cluebats in their hands, ready to perform a painful reality sync on anyone thinking compression ALWAYS degrades quality.

    Because it doesn't, full stop.

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. selena gomez latest pics 2011.
  • selena gomez latest pics 2011.

  • I'mAMac
    Sep 1, 01:18 PM
    What is this chin on the iMac that everybody is talking about?

    selena gomez look alike contest 2011. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 11:39 AM
    Can I purchase a Holographic disc?

    Nope not at my local BestBuy, I guess that makes it pretty hard to include. Wait... does anyone have a holographic disc.... nope ... no manufacturer.... not even researchers.... so I guess that means the timeframe for the device... is slated release with Vista or about 10 yrs from now.... which means it doesn't have a greater potential within a timeframe.
    Can I get a Dual Layer BR? No. When can I get that? Probably around the same time Holographic is released. End of the year or beggining of 2007

    Acctually as stated before Holographic is supposed to be released at the end of the year.

    The true problem with Hologrpahic is we don't have big ole sony or the HD-DVD companies backing it up. Its just one company... so from what I've read they said they will wait and perfect it for the pros first and later come at the consumer.

    On potential... Beta had all the Potential and was a better player. I can't remember how that worked out? would you explain?

    Sep 7, 03:07 PM
    I have been a Mac user since 1986. I'm not a superuser or a gamer, but the one thing I have learned is to avoid models with too much built-in obsolescence (e.g. my old firewire-less, low-resolution clamshell iBook and the late-model CD-burner-less white iBook G3 that replaced it, not to mention the Powerbook 150 [agh!], Mac Classic [aaagggh!], etc.). Except for the lack of built-in DVD capability, the lampshade 700 MHZ G4 iMac has been a great investment.

    So here is my question. Are the $599 mini and $999 iMac going to become obsolete much faster than the $1199 iMac? Do the dedicated video RAM and Core 2 Duo (iMacs) make much of difference? I already have an external DVD burner and plan to buy 2GB RAM.

    Actually the move to Intel has opened Apple to fast depreciation - and that isnt going away.

    Many here seem to 'bitch' that Mac is now in competition with the PC in the hardware stakes and sadly that damages your resale value however the benefits are immense, I am sure Apple will be able to secure lower unit costs aswell as faster processors and newer technology. Its great for apple and for us buying, just bad if you sell hardware before it looses all value completely. It also means we will see these refreshes more often and so we will be buying more up to date hardware which as a PC user is great...

    To me the move to intel has made Mac a viable option, especially given Bootcamp.

    Mar 23, 06:40 AM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    You also forgot movies and other content too. I have a 160gb iPod and I filled up over 100GB from video and photos. Some people like to have all of their media with them.

    Nov 26, 04:23 PM
    To end all further BS do I feel like an idiot for putting sunglasses in a gun case? No.

    Was it over kill? Yeah, I'll admit that.

    ......Apparently everyone was bullied as a child or something because when ANYONE says something that isn't correct or seems "odd" people here jump on them and make sure to rub whatever it is in their face.

    Wait a bought a gun case to protect your Oakleys?

    No wonder people commented. ;)

    Bought this.

    Loving it.

    Mar 24, 02:26 PM
    I wonder if this may imply the coming of that unicorn rider we all know and love, the 'headless mac" (aka xMac).

    Removable drives, no screen, more powerful than an iMac, 1499.99.

    Dream on. Just like unicorns, such a Mac will never exist unless it's hacked together frankenstein mess (aka Hackintosh).

    The best you can hope for is a price drop on the Mac Pro, and I see that as being unlikely. Apple overall has been moving away from the "enthusiast" computer market, sadly. In fact, I think their hands-off nature of dealing with the Hackintosh community is their way of giving us a bone since they won't fill that market area and we're a small percentage of the market.

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 07:45 AM
    Its going to be extremly tough to decide between a wii and a fullscreen ipod. I really want a wii.