Sunday, November 13, 2011

poison oak rash treatment

poison oak rash treatment. Poison Oak Treatment?
  • Poison Oak Treatment?

  • Liske
    Aug 17, 07:00 PM
    Have you used cs2s or canon´s raw converters? How do they work?
    What is the general feeling of yours how the new machine works in photog business?

    I use CS2 for camera raw. Right now I am shooting with a fuji finepix S2 pro, but probably going to get the D200 soon. The Canon stuff is nice too, but I haven't tried the Canon raw converter. I love adobe camera raw - it just works for me. I have yet to try aperature but might try to get my hands on it. Camera Raw runs well on the Mac Pro, but like I said 10% faster on the Quad. It doesn't impact me much, and I get to boot windoze to cross test and develop items on a PC for web stuff :)

    So you have 4hdds in total,with 2 of each in raid 0 or what?
    Do you have the os on one pair and scratch on the other pair?

    Yes I run one striped two disk raid for OSX ONLY. This disk is also the scratch disk. The other striped two disk raid is for my user data and apps. You can find info on the web about how to do this, there are alot of advantages.

    This way I have seperate raid for user data & files, and a seperate raid for OSX / scratch. It seperates the OS and apps also so both have their own disks. Seperating the OS from my user data allows me to only back up the user data raid as the OS raid has base OSX on it only and if lost could just be reinstalled. I backup the main user data disk to the osx disk, as well as a slow NAT storage in a seperate building nightly. As far as RAID Once you go raid you get addicted, I could go nuts and get a 4 or 8 drive raid, which at some point I probably will do, but right now the 2 x 2 striped treat me very fine :). But the speed impovements in a raid, especially in a Mac Pro where it is so easy, is worth it. At this point the sweet spot in terms of dollars is probably going with a 300 or 400 x 4, the 500s are still pretty high, but if you need the space then so be it.

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • tobio
    Aug 7, 06:46 PM
    The time machine features are just like salvage files on our old netware servers (before we "upgraded" to win2k3 with the quite embarressingly bad volume shadow copies). Obviously time machine is prettier, but the way it worked on netware was that all files whenever they are overwritten or deleted sit inbetween space. You can go into filer or use the right click menu to go back to previous versions of files unless you have purged them. This feature would turn off when you get down to 10% free space remaining.

    If time machine lets you preview the contents of documents before you restore them, instead of going restore... is it that one? nope, try this one? nope... ah here we go found it. then hot damm thats a slick new feature

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • nwcs
    Mar 25, 10:39 PM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    Um, there's only been one release since leopard. Too soon to know if Lion will wow or not.

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • bedifferent
    Apr 27, 08:56 AM
    For the paranoid people who don't understand the issue and believe everything our media tells us to fear (coughFoxNewscough), here's something amusing for the mindless:

    "Meat with eyes" (

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • bobthedino
    Apr 27, 08:28 AM
    And here I thought that data wasn't sent to Apple? At least they encrypted it so that you can't tell what actually is sent.

    You should read Apple's reply to a query from two Congressmen in July 2010:

    Apple clearly states that location data is being collected anonymously and is being used to maintain Apple's database of cell tower and Wi-Fi hotspot locations. Prior to iOS 3.2, Apple made use of similar databases provided by Skyhook and Google, but now Apple has created its own.

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  • poison oak rash treatment. sep

  • mrwombat
    Sep 19, 08:43 AM
    As a fomer Mac user, who had Macs from 1987 through about 1997, and did most of my graduate school work on a Quadra in that period, I am looking forward to returning to the fold. For a variety of personal and professional reasons I need and will continue to need a high-end gaming rig, meaning a Windows box, but for my academic work I really want to switch to a Mac Book Pro to replace my aging Compaq laptop that I use as my primary office machine. I want a machine I can carry about, that is easy to use, and that will be more useful for me in doing classroom presentations, working with some video and audio stuff (again for presentations). So a MBP seems ideal.

    But I'm also a computer fan, reasonably knowledgeable, and reasonably savvy. I've built machines before, routinely do hardware and software tweaking and upgrading, and have had multiple computers of various sorts since my first back in early 1983. That's the main reason the delay in getting the new MBPs out is frustrating. I don't need a 64bit processor right now. I don't need the extra 20% or whatever it is performance boost. But I also don't want to drop $2500 on a notebook that is neither leading-edge nor a price-performance leader within it's own market segment.

    In buying PCs, I usually buy a step below the best, because the price performance ratio is very good. Until Apple upgrades the MBPs, I can't do that, as there is only, um, one choice really. I also can't get the latest and greatest, C2D, either. So while the current Yonah MBP is 100% fine for my needs, I'm reluctant to drop a wad of cash on it when I know that is will either be 1) superceded by a newer model I'd buy for the same price, or 2) reduced in price to help clear out the old stock. Either of those options would work for me at this time, but neither is available.

    Part of buying something like a Mac is the satisfaction one gets from buying a well-engineered piece of gear that works and looks and feels like a sophisticated work of technology. The current MBPs lose a lot of that when you know you're buying something that is in the last days of its product life cycle, even if you also know it doesn't make any difference in day to day usability.

    Luckily, my old machine is working fine, so I can wait, but still, bah....

    poison oak rash treatment. -poison ivy/oak
  • -poison ivy/oak

  • jamesW135
    Aug 19, 10:16 PM
    Whoa! I'm amazed at how it compared to the G5 in the Photoshop Speed test. If it was this fast now. Imagine PS once it's a UB!!:eek:

    poison oak rash treatment. mild poison oak rash pictures.
  • mild poison oak rash pictures.

  • grue
    Apr 11, 08:39 PM
    Overreact much? FCP hasn't even been announced and your company is already talking about jumping ship? I call b.s. I'm in LA and I haven't heard anyone talking about switching anything. What needed features do you need that don't already exist?

    How about using more than one bloody core to render a timeline or do an export to the eternally-broken Compressor?

    How about properly recognizing file attributes on import?


    �QMaster having better than coin-flip reliability?

    �better R3D support (as well as other cameras)?


    etc etc

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • Machead III
    Sep 19, 03:50 AM
    It would be fantastic for the MacBook to have the Core 2 Duo, (MacBookPro is a given), the fact is, Apple needs to do this update to stay in the same ballpark as the pc notebook makers.

    Now if they could just give the MacBook a real graphics card, I'd be a taker.

    Randy at (

    The fact that we all want dedicated graphics and it's a no-brainer to add it, means that it won't happen.

    poison oak rash treatment. Poison Ivy Rash on Arm
  • Poison Ivy Rash on Arm

  • Sydde
    Mar 23, 06:03 PM
    Isn't that an ad feminam?

    Well, I suppose it really should have been ad homines � the (proper) plural would I think mitigate the gender.

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • Kelmon
    Aug 27, 05:11 AM
    Arrgh! The anticipation! While I'd like to be able to hold off on a new laptop until Santa Rosa and a supporting MacBook Pro hits the market I can't. My old Ti PowerBook is way too slow these days and it will be replaced by the first 17" Merom-based MacBook Pro that Apple releases. While there's a few things that I'd like to see updated in the new models beyond the processor, I think my #1 will be 4GB RAM limit (2GB is fine for one OS but I want to be running OS X and Windows side-by-side at work) and #2 will be an updated GPU.

    It will certainly be interesting to see what happens next week (personally, I'm not expecting an announcement, but hey, I'm happy to be wrong) and it will nicely coincide with the finances becoming available for the muther of all portable Macs. As long as the new one doesn't have any QA or design issues, I'll be as happy as a pig in ****...

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 6, 04:35 PM
    Don't understand that there needs to be a pissing contest about Xoom OR ipad.

    Why are the Xoom guys even here on a Mac site, to tell us THEIR device is better?

    Let's even assume they are right.
    Go buy your Xoom and be happy if it does what you want No harm, no foul.

    The Apple users buy Apple until something better comes along also as long as it does what they want.
    They love the possible integration with their other devices and when that comes to Xoom or something else is better they will switch.

    Technology pace is amazingly fast and nobody knows what is next.

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 22, 09:05 AM

    Were there any PINS given in your store?

    Please keep us updated. We look forward to it.


    poison oak rash treatment. Heat Rash
  • Heat Rash

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 07:26 PM
    Totally depends on what tools you are using. Sure, when I'm at home working on a light webapp running nothing but Emacs, Chrome, Postgres, and using, for example, Python as my server-side language, 4GB of RAM is more than enough, hell I could get by with 2GB no problem

    You'd need 2 GBs for that ? My Linux server with about 384 MB of RAM runs that web/db environnement without breaking a sweat, with a load average of about 0.1, and that's not even a quarter of what runs off of it.

    No, seriously, people overestimate their computing ressource needs these days. Xcode is pretty light, Eclipse ran on computers from 10 years ago, so did Netbeans. Tomcat has been around and hasn't changed much from its 5.0 release, back in the early 2000s.

    The MBA is fine for running the tools you describe and would make a fine software development station for the needs you expose, don't ever doubt that.

    By "run everything", you can't possibly mean run games at "higher than medium" settings, nor edit lots of HD footage in something like Final Cut Pro. Though that's not what YOU use YOUR MacBook Air for

    I'd argue the needs I described are shared by much more people that the needs you claim aren't filled by a MBA. I doubt Final Cut Pro movie editing is anything but a small niche of what computer buyers do with their machines and "higher than medium" settings is not something I use to describe gaming. I value games for their playability, not how they look on my screen. Of course, I come from the era of EGA graphics and Adlib sound systems, when games were about gameplay.

    Still, the MBA does fine with iMovie and I can play Civilization IV at full screen on my external monitor of 2048x1156 pixels without breaking a sweat. It is a very capable machine, contrary to what you believe. Use one and see for yourself before you diss the thing. I can understand why you wouldn't be interested in one, I can't however understand the venom you spit at the thing.

    please, please, P...L...E...A...S...E - Can we have an integrated Cellular data chip

    Get a USB adapter. That way, your 2000$ laptop won't be tied to a single carrier the way Apple does 3G in its devices. I'm fine with my iPhone and tethering, I'd rather Apple sell the MBA on the cheap and leave the 3G option up to the users.

    It's not like you can't use a MBA over 3G networks right this day (or any other Mac for that matter).

    Wait, so MacBook Air has a TN panel? That makes no sense, the iPad 2 has an IPS panel...

    Anyway, I'd like to see backlit keys and an IPS display before I buy a MBA :cool:

    Very, very few laptops have IPS displays. The only one that comes to mind is the HP Elitebook with the DreamColor screen option (the standard screen on it is a TN panel).

    Apple does not install Flash Player on newer machines, so this is not a problem.

    Try ( or ClickToFlash ( or other HTML5-Safari extensions (!

    Youtube is not the only source of content out there and until all video provider sites are HTML5, computers without VDA framework support will be slower, run hotter and have lesser battery life than those with VDA support.

    And HTML5 won't be on all video sites until you can graft DRM on top of it. Think of the paid-for streaming providers like Hulu.

    BTW, my MBA runs Flash without any problems. I don't need Apple to pre-install it for me.

    You obviously know nothing about OpenCL ( OpenCL is not hardware dependent. OpenCL programs can run even on old 300 MHz PowerPC processors, if someone writes a OpenCL-compiler for this platform.

    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU. It makes no sense to emulate OpenCL in software, other than providing OpenCL on computers without a hardware implementation.

    In the end, you haven't achieved the purpose of OpenCL, which is to offload the CPU, since you haven't offloaded the CPU at all.

    The point is, the Intel 3000 HD on Mac OS X cannot run OpenCL code, so it's up to the CPU to do it.

    You failed to even counter my points. Your attempt is only about dismissal, which proves my points are very valid.

    poison oak rash treatment. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak,
  • Poison Ivy, Poison Oak,

  • Taustin Powers
    Aug 4, 05:50 PM
    I'll pass on the game altogether.

    What it does, Gran Turismo does to perfection....I'm just really not into what it does.

    I'm more of an arcade racing guy, so I'll stick with Burnout Paradise until it gets a worthy sequel!

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash treatment.
  • poison oak rash treatment.

  • k995
    Mar 23, 03:54 AM
    To be fair, every smartphone on the market is an iPhone clone and every tablet an iPad clone, so it is all related to Apple in that way.
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak (Toxicodendron
  • poison oak (Toxicodendron

  • jrb363
    Apr 7, 10:39 PM
    Quota? Are these guys idiots?

    Best Buy isn't the only place to buy these... I've thought through the various marketing gimmicks, and really none apply here. Why would they do this...

    Maybe they ate too much magical unicorn dust and it clouded their judgement. :rolleyes:

    poison oak rash treatment. poison oak rash vs poison ivy.
  • poison oak rash vs poison ivy.

  • bousozoku
    Nov 28, 10:16 PM
    I would assume that Microsoft agreed to pay Universal just because it could cause Apple problems, not because they felt any need to pay.

    Universal tried to sue Sony back in the 1970s over videocassette recorders. They were somewhat successful in scaring people from buying Sony VCRs, even though they weren't really successful in court.

    I can't see as how they'll be pushing Apple too far. It seems every day, Universal and its subsidiaries lose ground to competitors.

    poison oak rash treatment. poison sumac rashes. treatment
  • poison sumac rashes. treatment

  • tk421
    Nov 29, 01:38 PM
    Not true. Apple doesn't need the iTunes Store since all iPods are full of stolen music! ;)

    No kidding! Hasn't Apple done enough to promote legal music purchases?

    Jul 14, 04:36 PM
    "Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system."

    I think we'll see more cores per cpu before we see 3GHz. IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz.

    ""Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system."

    IBM never produced chips that could run at 2.7GHz. In IBM was stuck at 2.2GHz instead of the 3GHz promised. Apple requested that chips be overclocked to 2.5GHz. In IBM was stuck at 2.3 GHZ, these chips were also overclocked to 2.7GHz. This year we are at Dual Cores 2.5Ghz. Even if Apple uses nothing but 2.66 GHz Dual cores, they will still be the fastest, non-overcloked chips that Apple has ever used.

    "IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz."

    8 cores?! Wow, maybe one day! But 2 or more cores/CPU are only good if your app can use them. Most applications, and in fact many of Apple, do not use more than 2 cores/CPUS. The Quad core G5's are a good example how the 3rd and 4th core are 98% or the time unused. A Dual 3GHz to a user would be much more usuefull than an 8 core 2.5GHz!

    P.S. The number ONE problem that Apple must address in their pro line is the lack of Hard Drive bays! We need at least 4 HD, please! An internal 10,000 RPM RAID array is music to teh ears of pro video and film users.

    Apr 6, 01:34 PM
    It's no surprise though. How can they sell something that even Google says has an OS that isn't ready.

    Aug 27, 10:36 PM
    Do you mean Vista Premium compliance? I'm pretty sure I've seen "Ready for Vista" stickers on plenty of current notebooks featuring GMA950 graphics, for example.

    And btw, I have to say "good job" to Apple for doing whatever was necessary to avoid having to put a bunch of goofy decals on their computers. The most amazing thing to me is the number of PC notebook users that leave all those stickers on (I've even seen some people leave the "features" stickers on).

    Looks like GMA950 is "good enough" for the Premium sticker. From what I'd read from Intel, it sounded like you needed X3000 if you wanted better than the "Compliance" sticker, but I guess Intel want to sell newer, more expensive chipsets ;)

    Still, based on what I've read about it thus far, if I had to have one, I'd rather have GMA950. Tho' right now I lean towards not buying anything that lacks discrete graphics.

    As for stickers... I don't really care, to be honest. They just peel off anyway. Probably a win for Apple purely because the lack of them looks much "cleaner" for the demo models in the store, and I doubt the majority of people take any notice of them. Most won't even know what they mean, I suspect.

    Apr 6, 04:13 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does?

    Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;)

    Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

    Jul 20, 08:41 AM
    It's the future, you know, soon the clock speed will be irrelevant and we'll be expressing processor speed in number of cores octocore, hexacore, tricontradicore, hexacontetracore, hecticosoctocore, and such and such

    At some point your going to have deminished returns. Sure multimedia apps can take advantage of a few more cores, but I dont see Mail running faster on 4 cores, nevermind 2! The nice thing about intel is that they seem to realise that, and have invested in improved IO as well, look at Pci express and SATA, you can have the fastest processor in the world, but if your running it with 512megs of memory your going to slow down fast!