Saturday, November 19, 2011

justin bieber jerking

justin bieber jerking. justin bieber hair flip. near
  • justin bieber hair flip. near

  • *LTD*
    May 2, 09:26 PM
    I think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between iOS and Mac OS!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac iOS/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we HAVE to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!

    "powerful but watered down."

    So in other words: "powerful but much easier to use for everyone."

    Sounds good to me. Go iOS.

    However, if we take your sentence in full:

    "What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac iOS/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!"

    Then it's just nonsense! LOL

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber black and white
  • justin bieber black and white

  • Benguitar
    May 2, 07:56 PM
    I think it is a nice feature, I can't say that it is "amazing" or "horrible." It's not that major of a feature, But just another "Apple Gesture" that will most likely simplify deleting multiple applications at once.

    Kind of like the four-finger-swipe to switch applications and etc.


    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber movie never say
  • justin bieber movie never say

  • reflex
    Sep 5, 06:56 AM
    Do you seriously want the Apple is behind/outdated mindset to sink in again?

    Personally I don't care one bit about Apple being seen as outdated, but it would just be one model. And the cheapest at that. With a dual core cpu, which most new pc's don't have at this time. In a cute little package.

    I'm mostly saying that a 64bit cpu in a mini doesn't make sense until Leopard arrives and that is far enough away for another mini update before it happens.

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber movie never say
  • justin bieber movie never say

  • smithrh
    Apr 11, 03:41 PM
    IMO, if a gearbox has a setting where it will automatically shift gears for you and you don't have to touch it, it's an automatic gearbox.

    Sure, some auto gearboxes (DSG) are better than others (torque converter) but they're still automatic.

    What if it's not actually an automatic?

    Seriously though, I do wonder if people take little things like this (being able to drive a stickshift) and pump up the importance of it, just to get some extremely minor satisfaction out of being "better" than other people.

    Also, google "money shift" for the downside of having "full control."

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber is gay images.
  • justin bieber is gay images.

  • ssk2
    Apr 3, 01:14 PM
    Because I'm interested in the pathology of people like you, and I'm trying to understand how you can compare an existing product with a product that is nothing but talk, to the disadvantage of the product you can actually buy, and decide in favor of the product that doesn't exist. Just psychological curiosity.

    Are you kidding me?!

    The 'pathology of people like me'? Who do you think you are? Facts are that I've neither held, or used either device, so I'll wait until I have until I make my decision. What's so controversial about that? How am I talking about the iPad in any kind of disadvantageous way? I'm just saying I want to try both and have not made up my mind yet. Rational.

    The Playbook does exist too, no matter how much you say it doesn't. What on earth are you basing you assumption on? Where did I ever promote the Playbook over the iPad? Please retract your comments.

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber cutest pics.
  • justin bieber cutest pics.

  • mefck
    Apr 26, 02:17 PM
    An FYI to the author of the article. You do not file a "counterclaim" seeking dismissal. Counterclaims are claims or causes of action against the original filer of the lawsuit. One files a motion seeking dismissal or files an answer that indicates they will eventually seek dismissal.

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber cutest pics.
  • justin bieber cutest pics.

  • Torrijos
    Apr 19, 01:03 PM
    Sure iMacs have replaced desktop in a lot of creatives offices, but this might change with the adoption of Grand Central Dispatch and OpenCL by developers. Finally allowing the full use of a Mac Pro by those who need it (like with the next Final Cut X).

    What could be cool though would be that Apple allows a little bit of modularity in the iMac...

    Besides allowing for the user to upgrade the RAM, SSDs slot(s) could be available in the same opening so the user could add SDD themselves (with the same form factor as MBA's SSD).

    That alone would be an amazing upgrade for the iMac, allowing the clients to push back such an expensive upgrade without too much pressure, hell another trap door to give access to the hard drive.

    justin bieber jerking. hot new justin bieber
  • hot new justin bieber

  • ngenerator
    Sep 14, 08:57 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    I lol'ed, how is this not a larger story? Wth is going on today?!?

    justin bieber jerking. hot new justin bieber pictures
  • hot new justin bieber pictures

  • aussie_geek
    Oct 23, 10:37 PM
    I'll grant you some slack on a lot of the points you've made, but I simply can't sit here and read your smug comments about people waiting for the C2D without pointing out at least one thing you are missing. Just exactly how do you expect your Core Duo MBP to support 64-bit instructions when Leopard comes out? Oh, that's right. It won't. You're severely misguided if you think that won't make a difference.

    yes, my macbook pro will not support 64 bit instructions. i was fully aware of that when i bought it.

    leopard is confirmed to be 64 bit all the way through -ie the user interface is as well. i do agree that 64 bit GUI applications will surface but you can't say that all 32 bit machines will be massively disadvantaged and become redundant.

    what you have implied is that the 64 bit thing will be so massive and make so much of a difference to your computing experience that a 64 bit notebook computer is essential.

    btw - the g5 has been out for years. umm wait. it's 64 bit too :rolleyes: where are the MAINSTREAM apps that utilise the 64 bit facility of tiger??


    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber up close face.
  • justin bieber up close face.

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 10:24 AM
    As purely a data storage format, obviously Blu-ray has the potential to store more data than HD DVD.

    However, as someone who has been following the whole BD vs. HD DVD consumer video format war, and as someone who has bought an HD DVD player (and, until recently, had a BD video player on order), at this (albeit early) stage of the game, HD DVD is the superior video format.

    HD DVD has 30gb dual layer discs available (almost all the latest video releases on HD DVD are 30gb dual layer.) There are many more titles available for HD DVD right now (probably because it's been out longer and the discs themselves are easier to manufacture.) HD DVD uses a more efficient codec (Microsoft's VC-1, which is akin to H.264, in that it's much much more efficient than MPEG-2.) HD DVD titles have either Dolby Digital Plus (a higher bit-rate multichannel audio codec) and Dolby TruHD (a lossless multichannel audio codec).

    BD only has 25gb single layer discs available now. Apparently the 50gb dual layer discs are hard to manufacture and the yields are not ready for prime time. No BD retail video discs are above 25gb single layer. No timetable for 50gb discs has been announced. The video is MPEG-2, meaning it takes up more space on the disc. And, the most recent BD releases all suffer from more MPEG artifacts than any HD DVD releases. BD audio is either standard Dolby Digital or space consuming uncompressed PCM audio (which sucks up even more disc space, leaving even less for video.)

    The current Samsung BD player actually has the same (Broadcom) chip that the current Toshiba HD DVD player has in terms of outputing video... and it only outputs 1080i. The Samsung player tacks on another (Faroudja) chip to deinterlace it, so it outputs 1080p (so BD can say "we output 1080p!"), except, that chip apparently stinks and makes the picture somewhat soft. In reality, any HDTV worth its salt can easily deinterlace 1080i signals, so the whole "we output 1080p" is a false advantage anyway. Both BD and HD DVD discs store the video as 1080p, by the way.

    So, what you have, on the video front, BD has a smaller capacity disk with less efficient video and audio codecs (that look and sound worse). And it is TWICE the price ($500 vs. $1000). And has less titles. And is late.

    If you read any reports on BD video quality vs. HD DVD video quality on boards like, HD DVD beats BD hands down.

    Who knows how this video format war will shake out, but Blu-ray is way behind right now.


    Another point to add is... Recently the Blue Ray eye has become in shortage as said on G4 Attack of the Show. All this talk about prices going down? How can price go down if their is a shortage... If I remember economics correctly shortages don't help decrease price...

    I just dont trust Sony... I get realy nervous when I think about Sony crap...
    Especially with the whole DRM CD they did last year...

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber now and before.
  • justin bieber now and before.

  • DavieBoy
    Jun 22, 12:21 PM
    it is the only product now to start with the "i" and not run the "i"OS.

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber black and white
  • justin bieber black and white

  • sushi
    Mar 22, 08:34 PM
    For all those saying about SSD - don't forget that after approx. 2 years of regular use, the drive is pretty much useless. read/write speeds drop off considerably as they age. As unbelievable as it may seem, SSD still has a long way to go before it can replace the hard disk drive.
    Curious to see some statistics on this.

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber photoshopped
  • justin bieber photoshopped

  • techweenie
    Apr 3, 01:30 PM
    The trolls are out in force today. They seem to be taking cues from the political world where Google is apparently broken. 40% of the population cannot -- or will not -- independently verify claims, and a whole ecosystem has grown up to help insulate them from reality.

    Yes, Mr. Al Coholic, iPads do have multiple applications. Your apparent belief that all applications must be promoted in every ad is at best impractical.

    If you were able to understand the subtle message of this new ad I wouldn't have to explain to you that this positions the iPad against other tablets with *some* applications and *some* technical spec advantages by saying it's all about the user experience.

    The very first brochure we did for the Apple II did the same thing with the headline "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication." How many companies are still operating with the same philosophy 30+ years later?

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber up close face.
  • justin bieber up close face.

  • aggri1
    May 2, 06:16 PM
    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber photoshoot 2011
  • justin bieber photoshoot 2011

  • 0815
    May 2, 04:57 PM
    No, Microsoft have not got it right. There should be no need for a specific tool to uninstall applications. applications should be self-contained and be deletable with the press of a button…

    Many applications work this way on Mac, some developers still put related files into various other locations though unfortunately...


    And in addition of this it is often not fully working - I already had countless times to download the 'msi repair' tool so that I was able to somewhat delete installed apps - keeps getting screwed up either due to version mix up, old installer not found. MS way works ok for most apps, but not for too many. I like the self contained way most apple apps do it (still: you should use AppZapper to also remove library settings) ... but also too many mac apps (including apples own) use installers .... again: not consistent (is that 'self contained' enforced by MAS rules or do some apps in there have installers?)

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber recent pics.
  • justin bieber recent pics.

  • xIGmanIx
    Apr 23, 06:11 AM
    Typical ignorance. If this was google doing it you wouldn't be able to speak you would be so worked up about it. Funny how google must be evil but apple only has benign intentions.
    Sorry, I just don't buy it. Isolated examples dependent upon a very rare set of circumstances that the average user won't encounter. I *do* believe your experience, you're very well versed when it comes to tech and no doubt well-treavelled, but this is just too much of a stretch. Yes, it's possible. But it's also possible to gain the same information in much more common and easier ways, instead of the super-spy scenario. I'm not sure how your terrorist cell example applies to anything relevant (or dangerous) for the average, everyday person.

    I'm pretty sure your average FBI agent's iPhone (assuming they carry around iPhones) that has been cleared for use (and very likely modified) by the FBI can be stripped right down forensically and will have revealed absolutely nothing.

    The average user who is *not* a secret agent really has nothing to be in up in arms about, provided they haven't just knocked off a bank or killed someone.

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber recent pics.
  • justin bieber recent pics.

  • yac_moda
    Jul 20, 09:06 PM
    That is the general trend of the stock market. And the US economy.

    Late spring/summer... market trends flat to down. People are more interested in vacations than working.

    Sept. market rallies briefly as people get back to work.

    No I TOTALLY figured this one out. Its during this period that taxes get paid, either at the end of march or late until Aug. and with businesses this is cheap and easy to do. So people sell stock to pay their taxes and that depresses the market -- especially if they made a lot of money which could have been on stocks thus it is guaranteed to happen.

    October is traditionally the worst month to be in stocks. Every major crash has happened in October.

    But Oct. is also the second or third biggest gaining month.

    Nov-Dec the market usually rallies. I attribute this to Christmas and bonuses/performance rating. Money managers need to boost their performance numbers for the year so they pump up stocks, usually pouring into any stock that has performed decently. It may not go up, but at least they can say they were in winning stocks.

    Jan-early spring usually has selling. A combination of cashing out of the Christmas rally and tax selling.

    Yes, I have heard these before in many places but I think there are larger money movers that actually create it although I am not sure what they are.

    Although Christmas is no doubt BIG, I think corp. hiring and purchasing to start new projects is what rules the January effect, but there should other things I have not thought of.

    Certainly with product intro ruled stocks like tech stocks Christmas and the new years creates a big effect.

    I think the #1 shifter of market fortunes though is USA Presidents and popular pres. end of 8 years as pres. cause a big down effect. Especially now that we have had good feds for so many years, that hold back on the money supply although the HYPER WW competition created by the internet may actually be the BIGGEST force here.

    And most pres. now days are smart enough to restrict the money supply strictly during their first 2 years otherwise all hell can break loose.

    Bush didn't need to do this, 911 did it, but the lack of lowing taxes and gradual secret tax hikes by Clinton were VERY BAD for the economy.

    The presidential transition and voting problems blew-out the economies back !!!

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber is gay images.
  • justin bieber is gay images.

  • Ravich
    May 4, 03:37 AM
    This is going to seriously hinder my productivity with application deletion. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and change my productivity schedules for next year to include an hour of application deletion per day instead of 30 minutes.

    Oh, wait a second, this only applies to mac app store applications? Thanks god! I'll just need to increase it to 45 minutes per day in that case. What a relief.

    justin bieber jerking. justin bieber dog tags. year
  • justin bieber dog tags. year

  • milo
    Aug 29, 09:16 AM
    Yeah, imagine that. Their top-of-the-like 64bit full-tower quad-core workstation and their bottom-of-the-barrel consumer-model have wildly different specs!

    Which would be fine...if there were a model in the middle. It's like a car company selling a huge SUV and a tiny two door car, with nothing in between.

    Apr 12, 10:18 PM
    Is there anybody actually filming this? From what the tweets are describing, the audience are loving it, i'd like to see this keynote.

    Everybody there is an editor. They don't know how to use a camera.:p

    Nov 17, 07:33 PM
    IMO, what Apple really needs is a system between the Mac Pro and iMac. A smaller tower or cube style system with a single Kentsfield or Clovertown CPU with 2 or 3 PCI-E slots, two HDD bays, optical bay and using cheaper, more conventional RAM - like up to 8GB DDR2. Apple is ignoring an entire segment of the market and it seems like they're trying to use the small difference in price between a maxed-out 24" iMac and a relatively low-end Mac Pro as justification for nothing in the middle.I agree. Apple's view of the market is very strange. They seem to think their customers either only want an all-in-one two core solution or an extremely expensive top of the line 4 or 8 core solution. Hopefully Kentsfield will find a home in a new Mac line in 2007.

    Jul 14, 03:41 AM
    Wireless "N"? psh, I'm still using "B".

    It would be nice - in theory - to have a hyper-fast wireless connection; however, what does it matter if my outside line stays at 2M/512k speed? The B-spec is perfectly fine for quite some time.

    Oct 23, 06:52 AM
    Please let this bring something. I'm getting sick of the constantly repetitive threads.

    Oct 23, 05:43 PM
    I much prefer the US style (a first for me! :D), and will probably hope to buy a new computer before I leave for this specific reason. For example, what is with the tiny UK return key?

    I am so with you. It's almost the main reason why I want my next Apple (MMBP, obviously) to come from the US. The narrow vertical return key is a PoS. The $$$ saving over ��� is almost secondary! ;)