Sunday, November 20, 2011

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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 20, 11:49 PM
    Apple didn't skew any numbers. Apple didn't provide these numbers. They had nothing to do with it.

    That said, how are the numbers skewed? When counting OS market share do you treat 13" notebooks differently than desktops? Or do you add everything up?

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  • RedTomato
    Aug 29, 11:36 AM
    I try to have a low environmental footprint (sometimes I fail, but I try to be aware of when and why I fail) and I do hope Apple improve their game.

    As one poster said above, the Apple board are on record as reccomending preventing the start of their computer recycling program. That kind of appalling head-in-the-sand-ism doesn't give me high hopes for their other green credentials.

    I think the low rating is a combination of several things :

    1. Apple stupidly refusing to release info that would improve their ratings.
    2. Vast overpackaging on their products. Apple products typically come inside a white bleached box inside a white bleached box inside another white bleached box. Dell probably uses recycled unbleached cardboard for their packaging. To be honest, when I opened my powerbook packaging, while I appreciated its nice design, I was also staggered at what a waste of space and resources it was.
    3. Maybe, possibly, the Greenpeace survey didn't take into account the lifespan length of Apple computers as being designed to last longer than similar PCs.
    4. Millions upon millions of Ipods. Many overpackaged, and intended to be thrown away when the battery goes... (yes some people have replaced them, but it's not a designed feature)

    I have sort of noticed that many 1960s hippies or ex-hippies have a very me-me-me attitude - they meditate, go to workshops, do nice things etc, and it's all to improve themselves. Rarely do they think about actually improving others or the world in general. That's one advantage that the post-hippies generation has - they have a better ecological awareness (if I can be so general.)

    I'll put my flame-pants on now and wait for you to contradict me.

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  • akw
    Mar 20, 05:50 PM
    Echoing a comment I saw elsewhere, why doesn't someone just hire this guy. It probably costs more for Apple to sue each person than it would be to hire them and keep them busy fixing these problems internally.

    Maybe he's not for hire. Not everyone can be bought. Or, maybe he's already working for Napster.

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  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 26, 07:34 AM
    Interesting question. One of my thoughts on why people follow a religion are that they were raised with it, so it becomes a tradition. You just do it because you always have done it without much thought to it. This one is an especially hard reason to overcome, because as a child, you want to believe that your parents and family have all the answers. It's hard to admit that they don't or that they led you down a wrong path. But you have to ask yourself, if you crash landed on an island as a small child (a la Blue Lagoon), would you be following Islam, Christianity or any of the established religions? No, you would not. You wouldn't even KNOW about them. So religion is largely handed down socially. It's even geographical in nature to a large extent.

    Another reason would be that some people need to believe in something. That whole "if God didn't exist man would invent him" thing. A lot of people on this planet have a hard time explaining their purpose here without some divine reason. Religion fills that void. In the "Blue Lagoon" example from above, it's possible that the small children would grow up, think about their place in this world, and start their own religion, customs and rules.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 15, 10:10 AM
    And, for many in that 1%, it's never going to stop until they learn to deal with it -- you can stop bullying in schools, but once you get out in the real world it becomes a much more difficult thing. You can't shield people from hate / fear / dislike or being singled out for being different. You can try to educate, you can try to get people to stop, but at the end of the day there will always be bullies and there will always be people being picked on.

    Developing coping skills is far more important than efforts to end bullying -- you can help yourself, you can't force someone else to be nice.

    yeah you do not know what you are talking about and you can not be MORE DEAD WRONG.

    I was among that 1% who was picked on. Things get better after high school and easier. Not harder. Reason why is in college you choose a major and often times that major is going to have a lot more people who are a lot like you and have similar interested. On top of that there are many more groups so to speak that you can find and line up with. Helps finding a small group of friends. Add to that fact that people generally do not pick on people as much as adults.
    hit the real world you also find your own voice and own friends. You learn that HS is not a big deal and that picking on stuff not as big of a deal. Problem is making it there and it has long term effects. I still suffer with depression. I still have the mental and emotional scares of my school years that would be a hell of a lot easier to deal with.
    But I will also state that the amount of picking on bulling I have had to put up with in the REAL WORLD (yes real job) is very little and almost always in jest. The amount that is not is so minor I can let it roll off. It never builds up and I am allowed time to recover from any I do get thrown at me. It is not day in and day out.

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 22, 08:14 PM
    Didn't you know? Aside from owning Apple products it's also quite trendy being an atheist. They think they don't need to back up their points with Reason or facts so it's a kind of intellectual laziness which compels most people.

    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.

    What a lazy, unreasonable opinion.

    Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterward;

    OP - how can one believe is a compassionate god when there are lyrics like these in the world?

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Apr 9, 11:17 AM
    That's not what he's saying. The premise being presented is adapt/evolve or face the consequences of a rapid moving technological world. Doesn't mean the company goes out of business.

    that's the thing, ninty have already shown that they can adapt and disrupt a market, they did it with the wii, the ds and they will do it with the 3DS...... they will still remain the kings of hand held gaming, primarily because the NGP will probably price itself out of the equation.

    Ninty couldn't hold it's own when it came to the horsepower of the 360 and PS3 so it went in a different direction and that gamble payed off for them big time.

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  • RedReplicant
    Apr 5, 05:31 PM
    One thing that got me was that you cannot make apps fill the screen without dragging and resizing. You can only resize from the bottom right corner. No real other annoyances for me that I can think of.

    SizeUp is awesome for this, as well as tiling applications on the screen.

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  • The DRis
    Mar 18, 12:15 PM
    I'm going to plug in my phone, and let netflix run for the next 4 hours, as a nice big FU to AT&T, and all you uncle tom's.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Screw the next 4 hours, for the next month I'm going to non-stop stream audio and video. I even disabled WiFi so I don't use my works connection I use only AT&T's.

    Blow me ATT.

    Netflix non-stop for the next month

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  • peharri
    Sep 22, 02:33 PM
    i think you misunderstood the recent reports: the consensus interpretation is that iTV does require a computer, and that the hard drive is just for buffering.

    I'm not seeing any consensus interpretation that suggests anything of the sort. I can also say with some certainty that the hard drive is "not just for buffering". At the kinds of data volumes streaming media generally runs at, you can store a couple of hours of video in a gig of RAM. This is considerably cheaper, lower power, and smaller, than a hard disk drive. Why would you put a hard disk drive in a device solely for "buffering"?

    What I'm seeing, according to the reports so far, is a machine that can make use of local iTunes libraries, but can also show media streamed directly from the iTS.

    It makes no sense for Apple to sell an STB that requires a computer. They can make a much more limited device for that purpose, and such a device would not bring the concept of streamed media "to the masses". We don't have all the information at this point, but there's absolutely nothing about the iTV that suggests it's some pricy bolt-on for an existing multimedia computer installation. There'd have been no point in pre-announcing it if it was, and it'd be a complete disaster if it were.

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 16, 02:04 PM
    Lets just ignore that technologies such as solar have advanced in leaps and bounds in the last decade and move on to the important stuff:

    If you want to go free market, I suggest we stop subsidizing the oil industry in this country (how do they need it when posting historical profits year after year?) and let gas prices rise from the ridiculous artificial ones they're at now. America has amazingly cheap gas compared to most of the rest of the world, and its not because of a free market at all.

    Deal. Let's stop subsidizing it all. May the alternatives be plentiful, and may the best tech win.

    This isn't about competition. Coal, oil, gas and nuclear have already lost the competition because they run out. We need to prepare for that now, even if the most optimistic estimates of our non-renewable enrgy reserves are accurtate.

    You also forget (or refuse) to recognize the possiblity that our current level of energy usage is wholly unsustainable and should not be considered a baseline target for future energy projects. The fact is we use far too much power per capita and we all need to use less, so that existing non-renewable resources can be stretched further, and so that renewable sources will eventually be sufficient to meet our needs. Someday the party will be over.

    Worrying about wealth before all as usual - it says so much about you, fivepoint.

    The free market cares about risk, profit and cost. It doesn't give a damn about the fact that non-renewable sources are limited. Your vaunted free market teaches the adage "make hay while the sun shines" (or oil flows). The fact that expensive, currently unprofitable but extremely far-sighted planning for the future must be done just doesn't compute for people like you who think only in terms of cost and profit. The free market should never be allowed to dictate energy policy on it's own because its focus is singularly narrow and shortsighted.

    Under this scenario there is no incentive for increased efficiency in fuel consumption, only increased efficiency in petroleum extraction. From a business perspective it's great (Hooray Exxon). Apart from than that its damnably irresponsible.

    What you still fail to realize is that the creation of wealth happens when something of value is introduced into society. What do you have against giving people things they value/want/need?

    You stated that the free market cares about risk... I wholeheartedly agree. This is a fact of the real world. As such, I'm going to have to believe the tens of thousands of capitalists over the flailing hippie alarmists when analyzing such facts in regards to whether or not we're on the verge of 'running out' of oil. If you choose to go another route, that's fine... just realize that their track record isn't very good. What you have here is the perfect example of a 'solution in need of a problem' and all of the waste that comes with.

    You also talk about being short-sighted... this is something I don't think capitalists get accused of very often. They're constantly looking towards the long term, constantly looking to find the next big thing. Timing is everything in business. If people in the field honestly thought we'd be out of oil in 10 years, they'd immediately quadruple their efforts in the 'alternatives' segment and prepare to dominate the new market when the transition takes place. The free market is the opposite of short-sighted if it's allowed to live free of government. The banks for instance were very short-sighted becasue they knew that they could sell the loans to Fannie and Freddie, and Fannie/Freddie knew that they were backed 100% by the federal government. Furthermore, many of the largest banks knew full well that they were perceived to be 'too big to fail'. There was no perceived long-term risk, so they lived it up. All due to government manipulation... in the free market, they would have gone bankrupt, and taught the rest of the banking industry a big lesson.

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  • bommai
    Sep 20, 10:58 AM
    But EyeHome, Neuston MC500 and lots of others already do this. My EyeHome happily squirts anything on my Macs on to my TV or Hifi and lets me browse the web too.

    Why is iTV special?

    eyeHome does not support HD and it never will. I got this in an email directly from Elgato. That is the biggest difference. Also, the general consensus is that eyeHome is not in the same league of robustness/intuitiveness as other elgato products or Apple products. eyeHome cannot even play back eyeTV 500 , eyeTV Hybrid recordings.

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  • CMMac
    Apr 12, 09:41 AM
    Really interesting thread for me, as i'm a "soon to be" switcher.

    2) Is the mac command line a full unix one, with same commands, etc? As i said i'm used to linux command line from managing my web servers, and if i can write shell scripts in mac, it could save me good time.

    Thanks for this nice thread that was very informative about the main differences/issues i'll find when switching over to Mac.

    If you felt confortable with Linux and its command line, Mac OS X should be no real change for you. Its command line interface is no different. If I remember right, Mac OS X's standard Shell is in bash, but you can change it to the many other popular shells that are used with Unix and linux and even install your own.

    Once you are using the shell program in OS X, you will find the not much has changed UNIX wise but remember that OS X is based on BSD and not linux so I guess there are some small (very small) differences.

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  • sawah
    Mar 18, 08:42 AM
    Sir what is being stolen?


    At&t adds the data together for a month of use in your plan
    2=2=4gb of data a month, this has been explained by At&t over and over

    So If I use 2gb and use it on the phone or tether its the same

    I have unlimited

    if I use 3 gb of data next month I have stole nothing

    I used data

    what is your point?

    Crap about TOS, so what If I write a contract that you agree to buy Gas at my station for $2 a gallon when you fill up your car for a year. You then show up with a red gallon gas can I run out and say "The TOS says Car not Gas can" and I want to charge you $4 for the same gas now, this is not crap?

    You know companies lie and steal from us everyday doesn't make it right.

    I didn't say it was right, but you still signed that contract. Not at&t's fault.

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  • Krevnik
    Apr 15, 10:08 AM
    I'm not against the message of encouraging people to reach out for help in a time of need, or helping those under the stress of bullying to realize that it gets better. Though, I am curious why a commercial company is attaching itself to a particular community? If Apple participated in a video that supported a community of people believing that marriage should be between only a man and a woman, the LGBT community would be outraged. Why alienate customers that may have strong opinions on the subject, no matter which side they're on?

    First off, these aren't just Apple employees. These are LGBT Apple employees. They are reaching out to kids in a similar situation and saying "you are not alone!"

    This isn't about politics, or encouraging a lifestyle or anything that dramatic. It is about giving that little bit of support and being able to say "hold on, you aren't alone, it gets better."

    Sure it might alienate those who believe it is a sin, but this isn't a salvo in the marriage debate. Sometimes, just sometimes, you have to stand up and support what you believe is the right thing to do, even if it alienates you. Civil rights work over the last couple hundred years included people who weren't slaves, weren't black, and risked alienating themselves in the eyes of their peers for what they saw was the right thing. Can we dismiss their contribution for the reason that they shouldn't have done it? Should businesses, who we complain are too amoral, back down on an issue when they show a bit of morality and backbone because it might alienate customers?

    Blast em for being on the wrong side of the debate, but I don't see why taking a moral stand of even a watered down variety is such a problem. This company has already done far more in this area, such as officially voicing itself against Prop 8.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 21, 09:50 AM
    1. Android phones beat the iPhone to the punch. FACT.
    2. Android ALSO helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. FACT.
    3. Android manufacturers are making more money than ever. [Samsung, HTC are a proof] FACT.
    4. Android has been a blatant rip off of the iPhone from day 1 OR day -1. FACT.
    5. Android provides a very fragmented experience compared to the integrated experience on iOS. FACT.
    6. Android is devoid of any viable OR any ecosystem. FACT.
    7. Apple makes more profit through the iPhone than all of the competitors combined. FACT.
    8. iOS with iTunes, Mac OS X, AppleTV and cloud services provides the best ecosystem available. Arguable. BUT FACT.
    9. Apple DOES care about the marketshare; Apple DOES care about the money; APPLE does care about the user experience. FACT.
    10. Android fanboys are comparitively bitter and are very rude to the fellow commentors and especially Apple and Steve Jobs. FACT.

    That's all I could come up with.

    You forgot

    1. Battlestar Galactica (remake) is the best sci fi show of all time (FACT)
    2. Toaster Strudels are better than Pop Tarts (FACT)
    3. Kennedy was shot by multiple gunman (FACT)
    4. Brian Tong from CNET is worthless (FACT)
    5. SC2 is the best competitive RTS (FACT)
    6. Green is the new pink (FACT)
    7. Lady Ga Ga was NOT born that way (FACT)
    8. Republicans are heartless (FACT)
    9. Democrats promise everything and never deliver (FACT)
    10. OJ did it (FACT)

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  • slate1
    Sep 20, 01:37 PM
    I'd much rather have TiVo than this crappy Scientific Atlanta DVR that Charter provides. But it costs less to rent than the TiVo service fee, and I'd still need to pay Charter to rent two CableCards if I replaced it with a TiVo.

    I guess I'm lucky in that my Scientific Atlanta 8300HD-DVR works flawlessly and is well worth the $6.95/month my cable provider charges me. Having that DVR functionality included in the box that's got dual-cable-HD-tuners and its own show listing/management software just makes sense as a cable subscriber.

    This is why the DVR functionality is meaningless to me with regards to the iTV. Plus, it's pretty meaningless funtionality in the US unless you're pulling SD or HD content over the air. Apple knows this and it will most likely mean that DVR functionality will never be a part of the iTV with regards to the US market.

    I'll consider buying the iTV as it stands soon after it's released if it proves functional. If it had even a progressive-scan DVD player included it would be a no-brainer in my opinon and I'd be first in line the day it's released.

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  • Photics
    Apr 9, 09:33 AM
    Nah. All those games you mentioned would be part of a pack of 25 on Nintendo for 19.99.

    I see lots of opinion here, but not a lot of facts. While there are some retro packs, where is a collection of 25 games � less than a year old � for the Nintendo DS?

    Here's more like reality...
    Bookworm... $20 on the Nintendo DS, but 99�-$2.99 on iPhone.

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  • LaDirection
    Apr 15, 09:20 AM
    Excellent initiative.

    Apr 9, 10:05 PM
    1. Define a proper game. I think there are a lot of proper games on iOS. But I think I get your point. Do you mean hardcore? Halo, elder scrolls, call of duty etc.

    2. What do you mean make a legitimate threat? I would bet money there are more iDevices in peoples homes and hands than Nintendo or Sony devices (of similar purposes) I watched a friends kid for a week in January while she was on a business trip. The kid loved his DS to death. For Christmas he got an iPad. He didn't even know where his DS was anymore, it was old news. Plus when apple has enough money to buy either company out, I think that makes them a legitimate threat.

    Lets be honest, APPLE will never buy Nintendo or Sony. Apple will make them inferior and insignificant. Apple will not create the same games but rather will change gaming. Apple will probably make gaming more interactive and more inclusive.

    I would say the odds are greater that Sony will buy Nintendo in a desperation move to remain relevant or Sony will get bought out by Microsoft after Apple starts creating televisions. Mark my words, Apple will never buy a bloated and inferior company. To truly believe that makes you a moron.

    Mar 13, 03:35 PM
    Which have killed more? Hint: it's not nuclear reactors.

    True, but the total deaths from Chernobyl are unknown. Many people dying in Russia, Norway and other affected countries from cancers or other conditions caused by the contamination aren't included in the totals.

    Sounds Good
    Apr 5, 09:36 PM
    Dragging your Applications folder to the right hand side of the Dock as a stack shows every single application you have installed on the computer, just like the Start Menu.
    What if I just want my top 10 favorites? In Windows I just drag the icon (of whatever I want) to the Start button, then drop it into the list of my favorites (I'm not sure of the actual term for this). Can this be done on a Mac?

    Since I open the same 10 or 12 programs or folders or files many times throughout the day, every day, this is pretty important to me. It would absolutely mess up my work flow to lose this feature.

    Jul 12, 06:47 AM
    Way, costs about $1 for Apple to fix it. Great!

    So what?

    You cannot put a price tag for components such as CPU and GPU that get updated with every single hardware revision. Yes, in time they become more capable with every revision, but the relative price of such components does not change that much.

    So you are saying that dual-core Core Due CPU costs Apple about as much as the G4 did? back when Mini had G4, the CPU was bottom of the barrel, with prices to match. The Core Duo (or solo for that matter) are actually very good CPU's and they do cost more than the G4 did. SO-DIMM is also more expenside than regural DDR-SDRAM is.

    The built-in wireless on the other hand is something of extra value; however, Apple cuts its own costs of eliminating an option, so it should not cost the customer that much extra.

    Why not? The customer receives more, why shouldn't he pay more for it? "because it doesn't cost that much more to the company!" Well boo-hoo! I bet that a car with 2-liter engine doesn't REALLY cost that much more to make than similar car with 1.6-liter engine, yet we have to pay more for the bigger engine. By your logic they should cost the same?

    And how about the remote?

    You should compare dollars to dollars when you say one is cheaper than another. You buy items with dollars and that's it. You look at the numbers and say that smaller value is cheaper. Didn't your mother teach you that?

    OK, compare the prices then. You will see that you could buy a Mac Mini for $599 back then. And guess what? You can buy a Mac Mini for $599 even today! True, you can't get one for $499, but at this point I feel compelled to ask: So what? Since when did Macs become the rock-bottom computers with prices to match?

    Hell, I have been watching some old Stevenotes recently. And I remember him introducing PowerMacs with prices starting at $1499. Why aren't we whining because PowerMacs are more expensive today?

    Oct 8, 11:03 AM
    Flash on a mobile device will be a horrid experience no matter how fast phones get.

    Right. And 640K ought to be enough for anybody...