Thursday, November 17, 2011

clip art easter eggs black and white

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 23, 02:24 AM
    as for suicide bombers knowing that there is a God or Allah ... they are just strong believers ... IMO they "know" nothing and soon find themselves blown into complete silence

    This is just a form of soldier conditioning. Don't fool yourself into thinking we don't do this to our own soldiers. That's why we get them when they are young 18 year olds who are impressionable and tell them they are doing this for "god and country". The good wolves will "go to heaven" protecting the sheep. "God Speed" in their mission. Being sent out to get blown up by an IED is as cannon fodderish as strapping one to your chest. The only difference is that the latter tactic is used in times of despiration against an overwhelmingly powerful enemy. Just like Kamakazis, Viet Cong, etc. And now these ppl make our TV's and clothing. ;)

    clip art easter eggs black and white. easter eggs clipart black and
  • easter eggs clipart black and

  • bfar5
    Aug 17, 07:30 AM
    Ridiculous number of dropped calls. What a terrible excuse for customer service this was. Whenever I have called them about any other issues, they have been really helpful. When this guy found out I had Iphone4, he acted like he couldn't get me off the phone fast enough. Told me "the phone has problems, get the bumper, have I resolved your issues?"

    My device is quirky. The proximity sensor has a mind of its own, it gets hung up on tasks daily, the reception is terrible. For ME, Iphone4 SUCKS and when people ask me if I recommend it, I'm with CR. Miss my 3gs which my husband is enjoying. Crap.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. Easter Egg Clipart #33928 by
  • Easter Egg Clipart #33928 by

  • dgbowers
    Apr 5, 09:12 PM
    My only dislike of OS X: You can't cycle between windows that are open with command+tab, you can only cycle between applications. In windows, you can cycle between the open windows with alt+tab.

    All you have to do is press CMD+~ it's right above the tab key. I figured it out the other day. CMD+TAB to switch b/w apps, CMD+~ to switch b/w windows.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. clip art easter eggs black and
  • clip art easter eggs black and

  • spacemanspifff
    Apr 6, 08:11 AM
    Once you start using it, you'll find that the Mac OS is a much more intuitive system, but you may have to unlearn the ways of the windows. With the Mac, the desktop paradigm is fully realised - so if you want to move something from one place to another, you do it just as you would in the real world, by picking it up and dropping it where you want it. Don't worry about opening the destination first, as the finder will automatically open windows for you.

    If you want keyboard shortcuts on the Mac, go into System Preferences and select keyboard, then you can add/change as many as you like. To change the defaults - just double click on the existing one.

    You can use smart folders on the Mac which basically perform a live search and update their contents automatically - this allows you to make a folder which contains any combination of files/folders/apps for any amount of time.

    Also, as pointed out by others here, Shift select is the same as Windows and if you do Cmd select, you can select the first two files, miss out the next one then select three more etc.

    Hope this helps, my advice is make the jump, you will not regret it.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. Clip-art
  • Clip-art

  • QCassidy352
    May 5, 06:52 PM
    I had about 2 dropped calls in 2 years with AT&T until very recently, and just in the past few weeks I've had a few (maybe 5?). Definitely annoying but my fiance has had even more with vzn, so what can ya do.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. Bunny Holding Giant Easter Egg
  • Bunny Holding Giant Easter Egg

  • takao
    Apr 24, 11:58 AM
    And the Catholic church had Galileo jailed for his work on heliocentrism (just one of a countless litany of anti-scientific acts).

    that Galileo has became a poster child of "what the church has done wrong" and science etc. though is nothing short of ironic .. considering that he got into the whole argument by dismissing the pope's model for the solar system without using arguments or science or even reading it (rather unscientific and blunt ;))
    the very same pope who has been his sponsor and patron for years before even becoming pope and made him an employee of the vatican after becoming it, since he was an avid hobby astronomist

    much of the story was more of a personal vendetta

    clip art easter eggs black and white. Easter Egg Basket
  • Easter Egg Basket

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 10:12 AM
    To the end user it makes no difference. It's fine if you know, but to a novice quickly correcting them on the difference between a virus, a trojan, or whatever else contributes approximately zero percent towards solving the problem.

    I'd say a social engineering attack is worse than a virus, because social engineering attacks succeed far more often than viruses do. Glass is half full.

    I have no idea how this is relevant to anything I've brought up. "I agree."

    From one of your posts:

    The vast majority of users don't differentiate between "virus", "trojan", "phishing e-mail", or any other terminology when they are actually referring to malware as "anything I don't want on my machine.

    What I am trying to say that there needs to be awareness and if a person cannot differentiate, then its his/her problem.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. clip art easter eggs black and
  • clip art easter eggs black and

  • aquadjcity
    Oct 31, 09:00 AM
    My quad was to ship today, after waiting four business days and two weekend days for a CTO build (2 GB RAM). But I would feel sick to have had the machine for a week when the Octo's are announced. I hope this baby makes Logic Pro sing...

    clip art easter eggs black and white. Rabbit Clipart #33915: Black
  • Rabbit Clipart #33915: Black

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 10:08 PM
    Originally posted by alex_ant

    I would also disagree somewhat with the paying more for quality comment. I don't think you really pay more for quality when you buy a Mac. What you do pay for is anyone's guess - software, R&D, or whatever - but Apple is notorious for its very high margins. Whatever you pay more for, it's definitely not the hardware, because most (all?) Macs are made in the same massive Asian factories as the big PC manufacturers' are anyway.

    And I disagree that all PCs are crap as you say they are. Windows has come a long way, like it or not, and PCs are not the BSOD-every-hour computers they used to be. They've gotten a lot better in recent years, and this is why so many Macrumors posters are worried and yelling at Apple to get a move on with the faster machines.

    I agree with you 110% all the way! Like I was saying earlier, my XP machine has never BSOD'd me. I used to have a shirt a long time ago that said, Macintosh 89' = Windows 95'. Now longer can I make this argument. Also very good point about the components.

    Bewarned, ppl are going to flame us, but I don't care. I think you and I are being completely honost. Many of us here really want to see Apple lead the pack again in hardware.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. lack and white clip art
  • lack and white clip art

  • sawah
    Mar 18, 08:55 AM
    Not AT&Ts fault for selling unlimited data that they've violated and chose to limit?

    Stfup, you have no idea what you're talking about.

    AT&T, you've stepped over the line. I've contacted my attorney about this issue months ago letting him know something needs to be done about this flagrant misuse of the word unlimited, and AT&Ts attempts to back out of their commitment.

    Forcibly changing my plan with zero evidence of anything is illegal and they will pay for it. Tme to start blasting them on Facebook, twitter, everywhere possible.

    Please start swearing at me. They aren't limiting your data, they are limiting where in their contract you signed, they said you could use said data. Good luck spending money on a lawyer that's not going to do anything for you.

    Grow up.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. clip art easter eggs black and
  • clip art easter eggs black and

  • gnasher729
    Oct 31, 08:15 PM
    Yeah I know. So are you thinking the Dual Clovertown may be a dog 'cause both sets of four cores have to share one bus each? If it won't really run faster what's the point? I hope that isn't going to be a problem for "simple" video compression work which is all I want it for.

    FBDIMMs are designed for maximum bandwidth, not for best possible latency, so they cope with this better than any other kind of memory. You may read that bandwidth is the bottleneck for these processors. However, that is only the case for pure copying operations. Code that calls memcpy () on all eight cores simultaneously will run out of steam quite quickly. However, most code does actually do some work with that data (like video compression), and the bandwidth won't be that big a problem.

    Lets say you compress a two hour dual layer DVD with Handbrake at 1 Megabit per second. DVD = 9.5 GB takes ages to read from DVD, takes about two seconds to copy in memory. Copying the 1 Megabit takes two dozen microseconds. Most of the action will happen in L2 cache, so you should be fine.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. easter eggs clipart black and
  • easter eggs clipart black and

  • D4F
    Apr 28, 09:28 AM
    Maybe your employer would like to know the entire office is slacking and on MR instead of working...... nice way to burn company time with your pathetic pecker measuring.

    Apparently this is what they call"productivity' these days so no wonder you get such a vast of "interesting" replies on obvious topics :D

    clip art easter eggs black and white. lack and white clip art
  • lack and white clip art

  • maxspivak
    Sep 12, 03:37 PM
    If the want to move into the den or living room, or better yet the home theater, they need more functionality for iTV. As described, it's more of a client for iTunes. Sure, it will automatically download and play movies and songs. But...

    Quality: there are differences in iPod quality and home theater / big stereo system. I can happily accept lossy compression for iPod. Not so for multi-thousand-$$$ stereo system. Give me lossless compression from ITMS.

    Same goes for movies. I don't want near-DVD quality stretched to my 120" screen. Even with a high-quality video scaler. I want HD - blueray or hd-dvd. I can rent hi-def disks from netflix today. Why, why would I settle for quality worse than what DVDs gave me for the last 10 years???

    At least give me an optical disk. Better yet, break some new ground, give me a combo BluRay / HD-DVD drive!!!

    Add's functionality -- how 'bout a PVR.

    Will I buy one -- probably. But I expected something abit more radical than what they showed.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. clip art easter eggs black and
  • clip art easter eggs black and

  • pdjudd
    Oct 7, 11:24 PM
    I'm sorry OSX market share would most definitely go up. From a business perspective though it would would be a terrible move, you are right about that. Profits would drop as Apple would get next to nothing from the sale of software only. The market share of OSX would drop once Apple went bankrupt.

    Which is kinda the point. Short term improvements are meaningless if they go right back down. I don;t contend that they would go up, but the whole point of increasing sales is to hope that they stay up. Otherwise it�s just a waste of time. You can;t just say �market share will go up�. Their market share goes up the minute a Mac gets sold. We have to look at the long run which you point out, will invariably go down and possibly lower than the base. A net loss kinda contradicts the idea of increased market share.

    But this is all conjecture since Apple has already indicated that they are not playing the market share game.

    [QUOTE]Allowing greater access to your product almost always leads to larger sales volumes, but it isn't always in your best interest.
    Of course that statement is true. But does that require Apple to license their hardware out to others? I argue that it�s not the case. Taking the MS approach fundamentally changes Apple�s business. They don�t have to do that. Of course the Grueber article covers that too. There are tones of ways to increase access to your product. The tough part is making it profitable. Both Microsoft and Apple accomplish that goal just fine without getting into a fight that results in a bad outcome for Apple or MS.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. clip art easter eggs black and
  • clip art easter eggs black and

  • DeepDish
    Aug 29, 11:16 AM
    Hmm. Gut feeling's all very well, but Apple obviously do a great job of marketing themselves as a friendly green company and we may go round believing that without evidence, and it looks as if the figures don't back them up.

    danielwsmithee is right.

    Dell boxes have a shorter life span and need to be replaced more often. Dell sells a lot more CRTs than Apple does.

    At work, we never throw out a mac. But the pc boxes get replaced often.

    This report is about getting "big press"

    clip art easter eggs black and white. easter eggs clipart black and
  • easter eggs clipart black and

  • ObsidianIce
    Aug 29, 12:50 PM
    not sure this is totally accurate...seems like greenpeace is complaining that they don't know what in apple who's to say it does contain the items that Greenpeace is complaining about? Not to mention Greenpeace...can be more than a little over the top at times...not saying Apple's perfect....but we're only seeing one side of the coin here.

    clip art easter eggs black and white. easter eggs clipart black and
  • easter eggs clipart black and

  • taskmanager
    Feb 24, 01:02 AM
    Apple will come up with something. Their fan base is too strong

    clip art easter eggs black and white. lack and white clip art
  • lack and white clip art

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 23, 01:04 AM
    The ad at the top is calling us out.
    >>I'm referring to an ad that says "Learn grammar punctuation."

    Haha very possible, as far as grammar goes my primary rule is (does it sound alright? Yeah, well it's probably grammaticality accurate enough ;))

    And punctuation, well...

    . = end of sentence
    , = for throwing in when your sentences look to long to be quite right
    ? = questions
    ! = exclamations

    as for the rest of them :eek: I know I tend to use a colon when I'm starting a list but that's mostly just because it looks right :D.

    Oh well more than half of my college professors speak barely passable English and a fair number of my fellow students as well. So i'm above average...right? :rolleyes:

    clip art easter eggs black and white. clip art easter eggs black and
  • clip art easter eggs black and

  • jwdsail
    Sep 20, 11:42 AM
    Apple iPod Video Express... (I'm hoping to kill the 'Chicken Little' iTV name will get Apple sued stuff)

    A hard drive? Hard to believe, I'd think some flash memory as a buffer, maybe 4GB? Perhaps you can add a HD via the USB 2 port? Too small to have a 3.5" drive.. May be too small for a laptop drive.. A 1.8" drive would add too much to the cost, wouldn't it?

    I think w/ the HDMI output, and the price, what we're staring at is really a wireless upscaler... Take any content from your Mac, and wirelessly upscale to the native res of your TV (up to 1080p)...

    If this is the case, I may just buy one in place of the Mac mini (w/ something other than Intel Integrated *SPIT* Graphics BTO, that will more than likely never happen...) that I've wanted to add to my TV...


    Just my $0.02US


    Sep 12, 03:19 PM
    So it seems from the coverage that the device has no optical drive, and no internal mass storage? Is that correct? And also that it is not itself a DVR? Don't get me wrong -- I'm reserving judgment. I just want to understand at this point. It sounds as if the basic purpose of the device is to draw high quality AV off a computer and onto a home entertainment system, sort of as the Roku SoundBridge did for the iPod's audio, but in a very Apple sort of way? In other words, it follows the computer-centric sort of model where a desktop or notebook Mac on the network is the "server"?

    Apr 15, 09:20 AM
    Knowing how bullying feels like when it's done to you, no matter why or what the difference is, i really appreciate them doing this.

    Apr 15, 10:29 AM
    You have no business alleging that I hate myself. Got that?? I hope you do.

    This post is not doing much to convince me.

    What the hell makes you think that because I'm gay I have to be 100% supportive of every little part and piece of the lifestyle? I've learned to reconcile with myself and accept the good AND the bad. What's so difficult for you to accept about that?

    It shouldn't matter to you what other people do. So why do you care?

    Why do you have to jump at me -- like 99% of the other gays I know -- just because I had the audacity to speak my mind, and state that there are parts I disagree with? Get real!

    Why? Because you did it first. You jumped after gay people in your post. We reacted. Get real. If you speak and attack people, they will react and respond with their own opinions. If you can't handle that, you're going to have a very difficult time in the future.

    Apr 20, 09:31 PM
    I honestly have no idea how you have the job that you do, because you fail tremendously in this aspect.

    I have the job that I do because I know MUCH more about Windows than you do obviously. If you think what I posted above is a bunch of fud then you really don't know anything about Windows OS or manual malware removal. There is all kinds of ways malware can hide and on Windows many times the only way you know its on the system is by finding altered registry keys, but removing the key doesn't remove the malware so you have to manually dig for files. Most of the time you can find them by looking but some malware uses the feature to hide folders completely even if you tell the system to show all files. If you want a prime example of a virus that does this look up and infect your system with Oboma (yes its spelled incorrectly). It went around our workplace all the time and most of the time it used the file hiding technique mentioned above. Another is WD32Silly (or something close to that). Thats another one that always did it. With over 6,000 users to support I see this stuff all the time.

    EDIT: This is why tools that access files outside the OS are popular, like BartPE and various other packages. You can see these files if Windows is not booted up and your not plugging the drive into another machine.

    Why do they allow the files to be hidden?

    Of course if you used Norton you wouldn't have this problem. :D:D:D

    Actually....we use Symantec which is the the first scanner we use which doesn't find anything ;) Or, to its credit it will find something, but not remove it (hence how we find out the names half of the time). Honestly though you really want multi-layered scanning. If the program on the computer doesn't catch anything it goes to IT and we scan it with other tools, as a last resort we will manually remove it but if it doesn't work or ends up being to "messy" the machine gets re-imaged.

    Aug 29, 11:11 PM
    The experts in this area all agree on CO2, caused by oxidation (burning) fossile fuel, is by far the most significant factor in the change of our climate.

    This just isn't true!

    It depends on which experts you ask. Most classic geophysicists & geologists do not believe man is causing global warming. Global warming is a natural process and has happened many times over the lifespan of the earth. Sometimes it precedes an ice age sometimes it is ralated to internal changes within the earth core. It has occured in our past and it appears to be occuring now. The real reason for cooling and warming of the Earth are not well understood.

    Environmental scientists agree that man is causing global warming. All of their theories are based on models. But these models are designed trying to prove that man's production of greenhouse gas is the cause and they are way too simplified. We do not have enough information on all of the critical factors affecting climate change to build proper models.

    Reality may be somewhere in between. However global warming has taken place on Venus and is currently taking place on Mars. Man obviously did not cause thes activities and it may or may not be related to the Earth's current episode of warming.

    I am not arguing with the idea of reducing greenhouse gas emissions if we can practically. Why contribute to a problem. I just don't think that we can effect climate change on a global scale and if the Earth choses to warm for whatever reason we will not be able to stop it.