Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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  • kkarb
    Mar 21, 06:50 PM
    So I have two wireless controllers for my xbox, and I would like to use one of them with my macbook. My question is, is there something I can buy to make my wireless controller wired? I don't really want to buy a whole new controller, as I don't really need it.

    I know with the play and charge kit, it plugs your controller into the xbox, but I'm guessing that is for the battery only, and the controller continues to send signals wirelessly.

    I have a feeling there isn't a way, but it never hurts to ask.

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  • Don't panic
    Aug 14, 04:58 PM
    You've got my vote!

    Your proposed graphic is definitely my favorite avatar I've seen on the entire Forum! (Uh-oh, mistake: I've just insulted all the judges ) Would make me laugh aloud & feel good every time I'd see it, I'm sure . . . Hope you get to keep it . . . I just wish I'd thought of it first . . .

    Wasn't there a State that was giving away a Mozart CD to every newborn (to make them smarter?) a while ago? I wish it was a copy of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" DVD set instead!

    the guide is definitively one of my favourite books. I've read it nth times but it always cracks me up.
    I don't have the dvd set. is it worth getting?

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  • Sydde
    Mar 4, 04:38 PM
    Of course Bill Gates is entitled to all his billions. I mean, consider the very foundation of it, the LSI microchip that comprises the key computer components that run his software. Follow that back and you will see that IC chip development was based entirely in private industry, led by that massive corporate enterprise project called "Apollo".

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  • fsshariq
    Apr 17, 07:36 PM
    It's cute that people think Comex actually ever made a working Jailbreak for iPad 2.

    I wish I could photoshop my way to 200k followers on Twitter.

    Obvious troll is obvious.

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  • zen.state
    Apr 5, 05:42 PM
    VLC 1.1.8 PowerPC (http://sourceforge.net/projects/vlc/files/1.1.8/macosx/vlc-1.1.8-powerpc.dmg/download)

    I found it in 2 seconds on the site. VLC is better than Movist by far. Movist is really just a different QT player and uses entirely too much CPU IMO.

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  • briantoronto
    Apr 4, 03:55 PM
    Exactly. Not exactly a shocker considering the considerable price drop to some reasonable figures.

    Not just the price drop, but performance improvements as well. I had an orig. MBA, and it was a piece of s***. My new MBA is a pretty nice machine. Nice enough I sold my iPad to finance it.

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  • Spyriadon
    May 5, 10:49 AM
    probably looking at the end of the week or the beginning of next, i have a friend who lives in belgium and he just drove into france to get his rather than wait.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 21, 12:54 AM
    I enjoyed this post immensely as well. As someone in the chemical/nuclear engineering industry, my clients always gripe and complain about corporate greed when big bad oil makes $10 billion in profit in a quarter, but when Apple does it everyone sings their praises as their money goes right into Steve Jobs's bank account and talks about how great it is that the money they've worked for sits somewhere cross-country in the form of numbers on paper.

    "Steve Jobs' bank account" eh? You appear not to know how corporations work.

    And if my money is going to line someone's pockets, I'd rather it be someone who returns the favor by making my life more enjoyable rather than someone who will gouge me for a natural resource I need to transport me to the job to earn the money to pay for that natural resource, exploiting every war and rumor of war to charge me ever more for the privilege.

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  • wad11656
    Apr 28, 12:31 PM
    Dude! Thanks for the tips, guys! Definitely didn't realize you could make an account without a credit card! Alright!

    Thanks for the Art!


    P.S. 35gb of music with 1500x1500 artwork each!?!? Nice!:cool:

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  • SeaFox
    Aug 22, 03:54 PM
    That sucks. Which college/university?

    University of Kansas.

    I sent a couple emails out hoping to get more information as to why the Macs were removed and were they've gone to. They might be in another public lab now. They'll probably say the machines weren't getting much use and the PC's were more "in-demand" which is true. But that's all FUD on student's part. When the lab would get busy people would be standing around waiting for PC's to become available while Macs sat unused. I know some of them were there to use the internet of type on their papers in Word. But most don't know the Word files are cross platform compatable and people always thought the Macs were slow because web pages took so long to pull up in IE (few realised the Safari icon on the dock would solve that).

    One issue was the univeristy resticting use of computers to everyone having to log in to the network. The script they had doing this on the Macs made them get stuck quite often with a barber-pole progress bar or sometimes a beach ball. And forced power off was the only way to escape. So many people I believe got the idea the macs were crash-prone. Never had any problems with them before they added that stupid security.

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  • ibook30
    Sep 13, 12:12 AM
    apple.com.au still doesn't have iTunes 7 on their website:(
    still can't buy tv shows:mad:
    No mention of movie purchases in our store:confused:
    Just another poor cousin release by the looks of it.
    We're glad that you guys can have more fun than us.
    You could use the cheering up what with george dubbya and all
    Greetings from Australia

    Thanks - it's too true. With our current W misery it's nice to have movies and TV to numb the pain.

    I "authorized" my library to this machine and was reminded I have authorized "3 out of 5" - wasn't it previously 7 machines that could be "authorized"? maybe my imagination.

    I really like iTunes7 - flipping through all my (new) CD art is a nice way to pick an album to listen to.

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  • canadianipad
    Apr 26, 12:50 AM
    Will be lingering about most of the day :D Come say hi!

    I'm going to be in Seattle on holidays from Canada during the launch and plan to be there to get the 3G iPad. With the 5pm launch time, I'm just trying to figure out what time to show up.

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  • notthebesttech
    Mar 2, 01:18 AM
    also this mini tos link to tos link cable, it has the regular size on one side than the mini on the other? yes i know may be stupid question but i just want to make sure about everything im not to great at this stuff!

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  • pixelshaders
    Apr 15, 02:51 PM
    I really can't live without the jailbreak for ipad 2, please come out.

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  • bigus7674
    Dec 8, 10:08 AM
    I agree about the InDesign approach, but as the other poster said, you will either have to invest in Illustrator, or in InDesign, to make the changes that you are looking to make.

    InDesign would offer you more flexability, such as using a data merge to be able to plug in data fields and generate, for example, 20 different text fields with just the one template.

    However, this does require you to learn the software whether it be InDesign or Illustrator to make the changes.

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  • rozwell
    Sep 18, 08:03 AM
    the only thing that bothers me is that there is no branding.

    also... http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fspecere.net%2F

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 18, 10:46 AM
    A spec bump similar to the 3G -> 3GS.
    Not going to change my iP4 this year it seems..

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  • nagromme
    Oct 8, 01:15 PM
    I never even knew these options existed on the desktop version :o Useful to know about.

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  • digitalbiker
    Oct 12, 10:53 AM
    Pages on my G4 ibook and even on my G5 dual 2ghz with a gig of ram is ridiculously slow - like molasses. If this spreadsheet program is this slow I will never use it.

    I will give double emphasis on that!!

    I tried to produce a nice document in pages for a set of astronomical objects in a viewing manual. It is roughly 55 pages long and includes 110 different figures.

    It was an absolute nightmare to put together! I spent days locking, unlocking, moving, re-organizing, trying to get pages to do some of the simplest of tasks properly.

    In the end, I have a nice looking document that takes literally 5 mins to open, 10 secs to scroll a page, and I am afraid to touch it, to edit it, as it might "explode" if I do.

    I have a PB G4 17in. 1.67Ghz, 1 GB ram.

    I really know that most of the people here are mac fanatics when they actually endorse "Pages". It is the slowest, worst, piece of cr*p Apple ever produced. I have the UB iWork 06 version now and it still sucks!

    I like keynote but it still lags in presentation features behind powerpoint. It is also a problem to interact with the 99% of business users out there who use PP. I know that it exports to PP and I know it goes to pdf, QT, etc. But you have to actually perform these operations with an actual group of business users to realize the probelms it presents.

    9 times out of 10, exporting to PP screws up everything but the most elemental of slide shows. QT exports don't quite look presentation quality, are dificult to interactivily control, and generate huge files that are difficult to email.Exporting to PDF, makes static slides, and is more for printing than for presentation. There is no free Keynote client for windows and mac users like there is for PP.

    All in all, iwork , (still a cheap name), is not ready for primetime. It is OK to experiment with, play with, and to generate simple documents. But it is not any kind of a replacement for the professional who works in an integrated MS office environment.

    Apr 19, 05:16 PM
    So if I have copied a number of full cds onto my imac through itunes I cant use sync method to place them on an ipad?I can only put tunes i bought from itunes onto ipad?

    Dec 31, 02:49 AM
    Originally posted by mrpuffypants
    given the importance of revenue to keep the site running, though, i think it makes sense

    well, besides this, I don't actually think the new front-page design is more ad-oriented than the previous version.

    If anything it's more information oriented.


    Jul 8, 11:18 PM
    You may have received a large WU. They are different sizes in folding. However, there points are relative to the size of the WU.

    True. :)

    Dec 16, 12:11 PM
    So would i be looking for something like �200 - �300 second hand then???

    Oh and thank you to Eidorian for your quick reply, only thing is im not good at converting Dollars to Pounds :confused:

    Yes, 225 - 315 pounds.

    Oct 12, 11:58 AM
    (1) In regards to Excel, the program has become the industry standard kind of by default more than anything. If you look back through it's "history", Excel really hasn't changed much since the beginning. Sure, the interface is better, and the introduced more comprehensive Macros and other crap that just makes it confusing for most users, but the structure and base features are exactly the same. Frankly, the only features that are worrysome when sending Excel documents via email are the Macros, and those don't even work properly from computer to computer, let alone across different programs (ie. Excel to "Lasso"). So, long story short, I'm very excited to see what Apple comes up with and really don't think interoperability will be an issue at all.

    (2) In regards to Pages, and the complaints I've seen on here about it, let's not forget that in the world of software, iWork is a BABY. MS Office has been around forever, whereas Pages is only a few years old. And frankly, it already works light years better than Word could ever dream to. If you've ever attempting to do anything in Word other than type, you know it is so chock full of bugs and quirks that by the end of your project you'd rather write it out free hand.

    So bring on Lasso, and Pages '07. I can not WAIT to delete office from my Mac and be done with everything that has that dirty M-word on it forever.

    That is all.