Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bentley 300

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  • itcheroni
    Mar 23, 07:08 PM
    Why do you live in America then? Seriously? Why?

    Move to Japan if you dont want looting.

    Move to France if you want "#1 Healthcare"

    Move to the jungle if you don't want to hear advertisements.

    Take your time machine to Nazi Germany if it's really THAT tough living with the other 2 of 3 major political parties. I'm sure you would love the fantastic single-party system.

    Now onto the OP- I, like most of the posters here I suspect, have never been to Japan, so am hardly qualified to offer an answer.

    I also suspect that there is some looting going on, but there are more important things to be reported on than a guy taking a tv from a store: Libya, an earthquake, a heating nuclear reactor, rebecca blacks dub step remix, etc.

    You bring up an interesting point. There's no looting in Japan, yet I don't believe most Americans would be happy with all that comes with a culture that has no looting. It is also a culture with extreme conformity. Try explaining to a Japanese person that being gay is accepted as perfectly normal in most parts of the U.S.

    Let me give another example. If you were caught with any alcohol on your breathe while driving, you would 1) automatically go to jail 2) will have to pay around 5-6k in fines and 3) be fired from your job and 4) have an incredibly difficult time ever finding a job again. There's no due process; besides no one would accuse you unless you did something. And if there's a conflict between a Japanese person and a foreigner, it has to be the foreigner's fault. My friend got into a car accident which wasn't her fault. The Japanese party was allowed to go after talking with the police for about 20 minutes. My friend was question on site for 2-3 hours and taken to the station for another 10 hours. All for a simple traffic accident with no injuries.

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 2, 02:47 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    As WWDC 2006 approaches, rumors continue to appear about what we could see at the developer's conference.

    MacOSXRumors claims (http://www.macosxrumors.com/articles/2006/08/02/exclusive-leopard-to-bring-virtual-desktops-account-wide-file-syncing-and-faster-spotlight/) to have reliable information about Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) which will be demoed at the expo.

    Previous rumors from the rumor site claimed collaborative features (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060609041938.shtml), and virtualization support (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/03/20060324092148.shtml). This time, the site claims that Leopard will incorporate virtual desktops, improved file syncing, and improved spotlight performance.

    Meanwhile, an unconfirmed Page 2 report (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060802151736.shtml) claims that the Intel Xeon (Woodcrest) will find its way into Apple's new Xserve and top-of-the-line Mac Pro. Meanwhile, the lower-end Mac Pros will use the recently released Core 2 Duo (Conroe) chips. Other hints include a Merom update to the current line and new Leopard features, including some 3d effects.

    WWDC (http://guides.macrumors.com/WWDC) kicks off on August 7th, 2006 with Steve Jobs providing the Keynote address.

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  • quagmire
    Mar 25, 01:34 PM
    also GM simply hasn't quite found a clue yet in terms of brand positioning: in europe they are not only launching the Volt based Opel Ampera this fall (looking better IMHO) but also just recently anoucned that they will also launch with the Volt
    looks like they never heard of "cannibalizing sales"

    since this fall will also see the first diesel hybrids hitting the market it's gonna be interesting to this which way customers will decide

    Yeah, I think that is idiotic of GM to do unless the Volt is launching in markets where the Ampera won't have a presence in.

    And I do agree Ampera>Volt in looks. :)

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  • opinioncircle
    Jan 1, 09:55 AM
    Happy New Year's Everyone! :D

    That was my wallpaper last year, i.e. yesterday :)

    Here is mine as of 01.01.11

    Happy New Year to all of you !!

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  • JoshH
    Aug 17, 03:26 PM
    August 17, 2006 Cupertino, CA: In a surprise press release late this afternoon Apple Computer announced it's purchase of Lions Gate Films. Without delay, former President Steven Beeks was removed from his position placed in shackles, stripped to his boxer shorts and displayed prominently of the official "Apple Ridicule Platform" located conveniently in the parking lot at 1 Infinite Loop. Steve Jobs was unavailable for comment, but was seen laughing, choking down a small bowl of low calorie pescaterian chowder.

    ... the official "Apple Ridicule Platform."

    He, he. But I thought the platform was in the aquarium attached to Steve's office? :confused: :p

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  • patg55555
    May 2, 09:40 AM
    Oh wow - finally, maybe the iPhone can compete with all the fantastic Android devices for once. I've had the Droid, Droid X, and Droid Pro (for work) and have always said I'd never buy and iPhone for this reason (amongst many others). I can't believe most of the peeps on this post think this is a revolutionary idea. I do love my MacBook Pro, but Mac Sheeple drive me nuts!

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  • zerofour
    Apr 26, 12:35 PM
    It's the best 'white dress' we'll see all week...

    That pitiful attempt at humour aside, my phone is almost ready for the great cellphone heaven so I'm quite tempted by the white iPhone.

    Question is how much of the insides is different?

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  • boston04and07
    Sep 29, 05:35 PM
    Am I missing something or is this pretty useless for DirecTV customers? Don't get me wrong, I am sure this app is awesome. But I don't see how I would change channels via my iPhone since everything is through a box. Is there a workaround? I'd like the ability to use this, but without channel swapping abilities I'm afraid it's useless for satellite and cable box customers.

    Well, yes, I guess it would have to be since the eyetv hardware (which is required for this app btw) can only hook up a coaxial cable to a mac, and not a cable box to a mac. But they have their own interface for channel guides and DVR-ing and whatnot, so I don't really miss it myself. The only thing I really would miss might be channels on demand (we have comcast, not sure what directv calls them!) but I just use hulu for that type of content.

    But yeah, just so you know (in case you didn't!) this isn't an app that can go with any setup or cable box..from what i can tell, it's just for use with their hardware, which doesn't support cable boxes. :o

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  • rasmasyean
    Jun 26, 01:31 AM
    The company that makes the technology that MS uses to make Kinect is called PrimeSense. Here is some info talking about what you are questioning...


    So, there is still a while before it launches, and it could be updated down the line, but I think it is safe to say that you will probably only have 2 players playing most all games. But really, that sounds fine to me. I can't say 4 people jumping and flailing around my living room would work very well, so a limit of 2 is ok.

    Perhaps rather than 4 "flailing people", you can have the software isolate just the hands part of 4 ppl and run "calculations" on those with the limited hardware. Therefore, assuming that the people are relatively still, it can track those 4 small spots and tell who slams first. I would guess that this is likely even less intensive than a full skeleton.

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  • mxpx5678
    Apr 22, 12:31 PM
    if i'm paying for a digital subscription, there's no reason why i should also have to look at ads.

    i can see why there are ads for a print edition, due to printing costs, paper, and shipping, but none of those exist for a digital edition.

    Ads are where magazines make money, not the cost you pay for it, it is just one of those sad truths about the writing business. The cost you are paying is hardly covering just the distribution cost for the digital version (it does cost to produce a digital edition). It would take 2-3 times the price to have no ads. And in magazines like Wired the ads are actually relevant and interactive.

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  • thisisahughes
    Apr 13, 04:39 AM
    I'm looking forward to this.. I love my Apple TV, but the $4.99+ 24 Hour rentals are a little absurd. I hope a 1080p refresh is released this year, possibly.

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  • boncellis
    Aug 2, 03:15 PM
    Yeah, I have the same feeling. I like virtual desktops myself, but they're going to be hard to make intuitive.

    I thought I'd heard something about Apple Remote being integrated into Leopard-- can't remember where though... Maybe they're getting the two concepts confused? Maybe I am?

    More integration of the remote into the OS would be cool, if that's true. Leave it to Apple (or Nintendo, I suppose) to configure an ordinary remote to function in a previously unexpected manner. If Apple could create a seamless way to surf the internet with the remote (motion sensor perhaps) I think it would steal even more thunder from Vista, whenever it comes out.

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  • SmileyBlast!
    May 4, 11:09 AM
    I wonder what the Geek Bench Numbers are on this iMac.
    Does any one know?

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  • skunk
    Mar 25, 07:55 PM
    We get it. You side with the lady of the situation because you think it's reasonable for her to believe a car with a driver wouldn't move.I don't think you do "get it". I side with the view that whether the victim could be reasonably expected to have acted differently in her own interests or not, has absolutely no bearing on the degree of guilt of the lunatic who drove at over 100 mph with his wife clinging to his car. Your opinion of her judgement is utterly irrelevant.

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  • madhatter61
    May 6, 11:10 AM
    What does the screen look like when you remove the front flass panel? Is is still glossy under there? If the glass panel is just stuck on magnetically like that then what prevents companies of making simple bezels to replace it with the screen area cut out?

    Magnetic ... glass isn't magnetic ... only iron, nickle, cobalt are magnetic. Your suggestions are not even possible ... learn physics before you suggest crazy ideas like this.

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  • Queso
    Apr 16, 11:06 AM
    They may as well not bother releasing iLife '07 in that case. Just go straight to '08
    In which case, how about they tell us? I've been holding off on buying '06 since December because '07 is supposedly imminent. If they told us '07 definitely would not be out until the end of this year, I'd just get my credit card out and purchase '06, but I don't want to do that if '07 will be out in early May. I'm not asking for a detailed feature breakdown, just a quick comment on whether it's going to be out soon or at the same time as Leopard.

    Sometimes Apple's stupid secrecy gets to me big time :(

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  • Piggie
    Apr 29, 09:59 AM
    Cool story. Only problem, of course, is the facts.

    iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS are the #1 and #2 selling handsets.

    Not big on business sense, are you? Apple doesn't "let old models slip down on pricing" because they don't have to. Do you think other companies reduce prices on their phones out of the goodness of their heart? They lower the prices because nobody wants them.

    Hang on a moment. You say:

    "iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS are the #1 and #2 selling handsets."

    So in that case they would be at the very top of the phone sales, not at 5% they can't be the top selling handsets in No.1 and No.2 positions and not be at the top. that just does not make sense.

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  • vniow
    Dec 1, 02:14 PM
    Hm, three so far. Perhaps this thread should be moved somewhere where it could gather more attention, like Community. Stickyed maybe?

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  • maxterpiece
    Nov 2, 04:24 PM
    ironically, you misspelled "misspelled."

    haha very true, but my post wasn't on the front page. Oh yeah and I was going for the irony... right!

    Sep 9, 07:04 AM
    Getting emails from the most unlikely people on it too. Could do for cricket what our World Cup Rugby win did for that sport, if we were to win of course ;)

    There are a lot of people who don't watch cricket interested in the result - I'll even count myself in there. But I'm not sure it will help cricket in the longterm since the British public only tend to latch onto a sport when it's international and a UK team are doing well. They don't then tend to go along and support their local/county teams which is where the sports need support if they're to challenge the unhealthy football obsession the media have. I mean, look at curling. The nation suddenly started talking about houses, stones, strikes during the Winter Olympics when they won gold and have you seen anything at all since?

    Sep 12, 12:28 PM
    new shuffle, size of matchbook. 1gb, 79$ out in october, according to cnbc

    Mar 6, 09:34 AM
    Nice. That's from C418's MC album, yes? Is that available in high resolution somewhere?

    Yeeees, it is :) Great album too. Here's a link. (http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/38782629/file.html)

    Oct 21, 09:15 PM
    One design mistake: The sheet that comes out to say the website is a fraud covers up the URL bar, it should leave it visible in case there's a false positive and you want to check for yourself you didn't get redirected to the wrong site.

    Well, you could then just click to stay on that site and the menu goes away and the red banner lets you know that you are still on the fraudulent site.

    Mar 7, 02:26 AM
    <img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5060/5505675736_a9ce9e1a18_b.jpg">